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Use DocumentsCorePack with CRM 2011 list components for SharePoint

This article is only relevant if you are using SharePoint folders or SharePoint sites integration of DocumentsCorePack. It does not concern DocumentsCorePack in combination with the CRM integrated SharePoint.

It describes how to use MS CRM 2011 list components to show and manage SharePoint documents of your DCP folder or site configuration.
It is available from DCP Server version 5.43 on and works with SharePoint 2010 and 2013.

AttachmentExtractor: How to customize entity folders and attributes in Sharepoint

This feature requires AttachmentExtractor 5.24 or higher.


1.) It enables AttachmentExtractor to create custom folder structures based on entity data from the regarding (email) or parent entity (annotation).

2.) It enables AttachmentExtractor to create custom attributes on the sharepoint and fill them with data from regarding (email) or parent entity (annotation).

Features and settings in TOPDOWN view for GroupCalendar

This article outlines the features of TOPDOWN view, which are available for GroupCalendar (GC) version 5.55 and higher (click here to download the latest GC version).
En detail, this article explains, how you:


  1. Change the user and time, by drag and drop

  2. Create and save an appointment directly in CRM, by double-click into the selected time-slot

  3. Delete activities directly

  4. See all details of activities (multiple row able)

  5. Create an activity by just clicking right into your selected time-slot

  6. Right-click into your activities to open, delete or copy them

  7. Change  between the views show 24 hours and show business hours. Business hours-view is preset from 08:00-17:00 and also configurable.

  8. Determine how many minutes a time-slot should have (in general 30 min.)

How to change Culture-Info in GroupCalendar

If you want to change the date format of GroupCalendar, you only have to change the Culture-Info.

The Culture-Info represents information about a specific culture including the names of the culture, the writing system, and the calendar used, as well as access to culture-specific objects that provide information for common operations, such as formatting dates and sorting strings.

DTMF (DualToneMultifrequency) improved input procedure directly from your TelephoneIntegration Client balloon

This blog article outlines how to send dtmf signals directly from the TelephoneIntegration (TI) balloon, so you no longer need to do that with your telephone handset. This feature is available in version 5.56 or higher.

Examples of using dtmf functionality:

  • authentication by conference calls
  • interacting with IVR systems

That means, when you call e.g. a support telephone number, or you would like to start a conference call, you may have to enter an access password or some digital numbers. With the dtmf function, you don't need to use your telephone handset to enter your access password, but to select it direclty via the dtmf function in TelephoneIntegration.

Proper email body preview in ActivityTools 5.40 print preview

With this reworked feature of ActivityTools, you again have a quick and clear preview
of your e-mail content via ActivityTools print preview. 

How you make a table invisible in DocumentsCorePack, when there is no data available

This article outlines, how to make a table invisible, when there is no data available. Simply mark the table or click into it. Open the table properties with a right-click. Now you have the opportunity to activate Delete whole table if rowcount is zero. As soon as you have activated this button, you will not have any blank tables in your document anymore.

How to enable debugging for the DCP UploadFile SharePoint webservice

1. Open the IIS on the SharePoint server and navigate to the SharePoint Site where DocumentsCorePack (DCP) is configured and the UploadFile.asmx WebService is installed. Select the IIS Website and click on Explore as marked in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Click on explore

DocumentsCorePack - Configuration Chart
The below chart provides you with an overview of the possible configuration scenarios of CRM and SharePoint
together with DocumentsCorePack and AutoMerge for CRM 2011

Issues with the automatic generation of folder locations in CRM Online and SharePoint Online
If you you experience issues with the automatic generation of SharePoint Online folder locations for the CRM integrated Sharepoint solution,
this article provides you with a solution. (For both, DocumentsCorePack and Automerge, the steps are the same.)
Please note: These steps are only necessary, if you have performed an upgrade of DocumentsCorePack or Automerge previously
and now, the automatic folder creation does not work for one of these addons any longer for CRM SharerPoint Online.