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How to change the layout of dashboards

In the dashboard, you can change your layout and create or save your own views. 

In the layout menu there are 3 views:

Single View,

Vertical View and

Horizontal View.

In the course of this blog article we describe how to use and configure the different views.

1. How to select a layout

Click on Layout in the menu in order to select a layout for your dashboard.

With a click on the [Save View]-button your custom layout for this dashboard will be saved.

Figure 1: Select a layout


1.1 The Single View-Layout

The Single View is the default view. All charts will be displayed in the same size and every chart can be moved to the right or left.


Figure 2: Single View-Layout

Move Charts: In the single view the charts can be moved to the left or the right.

To do so, click first on the [Action]-button and then on Move Chart.

Figure 3: Chart Settings - Move Chart 

Please note: In the vertical or horizontal view, charts can only be moved in the secondary area.


1.2 The Vertical View-Layout

When you select the vertical or horizontal view, you will generally work with two areas:

The primary area and the secondary area.

For the primary area you have to define a main chart because only this chart will be displayed in the main area.

To do so, select a chart, click on the [Action]-button and then Set to main Chart.

Figure 4: Chart Settings - Set to main Chart


The main chart will be vertically located on your screen in the primary area.

 All the other charts will be shown in the secondary area and can also be moved to the right or the left.

Figure 5: Vertical view - Primary area vs Secondary area

1.3 The Horizontal View-Layout

The main chart will be horizontally located on your screen in the primary area.

All the other charts will be shown in the secondary area and also can be moved to the right or to the left.

Figure 6: Horizontal view - Primary area vs Secondary area

2. Layout visibility:

If you are the owner of a dashboard and you define and save a custom layout, other users get your saved layout too.

At least, as long as they save their own personal layout view.


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