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AttachmentExtractor Revert Button in ActivityToolsPluginExtension
This article outlines how to use the retrieve once extracted .url files with the AttachmentExtractor [Revert]-Button.

SharePoint path limitation avoidance
SharePoint paths limits are hard coded. The maximum path length is 260 characters. If that limit is exceeded, you get the SharePoint error 414. This article outlines how to avoid this error.

AttachmentExtractor SharePoint attributes
SharePoint attributes deliver additional information on the file origin based on CRM metadata. This article outlines the purpose of the different attributes.

How to correct SharePoint paths exceeding the limitations (Advanced)
This article provides you with information on how to correct SharePoint paths exceeding the limitations. Please note, that this article is only considered to serve advanced Microsoft Dynamics users and only if you have received the SharePoint error 414 previously.

How to enable debugging for AttachmentExtractor


Please note: this article applies to

CRM 2011, CRM 2013 and CRM 2015/2016


This article provides you with a step-by-step instruction on how to enable debugging
for AttachmentExtractor in CRM 2011, 2013 and 2015/2016.

ActivityToolsPluginExtension solution for AttachmentExtractor
This article contains links to the ActivityToolsPluginExtension solution for AttachmentExtractor. Please select which Microsoft Dynamics application you use and download the corresponding solution.

How to upgrade AttachmentExtractor for MS CRM 2011 to 2013

This article will show you how to prepare AttachmentExtractor for MS CRM 2011 for an update of your CRM system to 2013!

AttachmentExtractor fails to upload large files


AttachmentExtractor fails to upload files exeeding two megabytes of size (The actual size being blockes depends on various parameters and might actually be lower than the set value).

AttachmentExtractor: How to customize entity folders and attributes in Sharepoint

This feature requires AttachmentExtractor 5.24 or higher.


1.) It enables AttachmentExtractor to create custom folder structures based on entity data from the regarding (email) or parent entity (annotation).

2.) It enables AttachmentExtractor to create custom attributes on the sharepoint and fill them with data from regarding (email) or parent entity (annotation).