- Blog


This blog is deprecated since July 2020.The articles below are no longer maintained and might contain outdated information. 
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How to add CRM Menu Navigation Links manually

To successfully integrate our products with custom entity-forms, the navigation configuration has to be applied manually.

This article describes, how MS Dynamics CRM Menu Navigation Links can be added manually to DocumentsCorePack and ActivityTools.

DocumentsCorePack FileExplorer in IFD environment

This article is about the DocumentsCorePack (DCP) FileExplorer in IFD environments for CRM 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2016.

Basically, DocumentsCorePack's FileExplorer is not supported in CRM IFD environments. Nevertheless, it could be possibly working. If you want to try to configure it, follow this article.

AssureSign-Templates for DocumentsCorePack

DocumentsCorePack needs some AssureSign-Templates to be able to work with AssureSign.


These templates have to be imported into AssureSign as described in the e-Signatures User guide. 


You can download the AssureSign templates here: (102.84 kb)

Field Search in DocumentsCorePack

Because the call for a Field Search in our DocumentsCorePack Client grew louder and louder, we decided to implement one.

Please note: The Field Search is available in version 7.101 and later versions.

How to open the DocumentsCorePack Advanced Template Settings (Dynamics 365)

In order to apply special settings to your DocumentsCorePack Template, you have to access the Template Settings Dialog.
How to get to this essential dialog is outlined step by step in this article.

DocumentsCorePack Property Syntax (Dynamics 365)

Certain properties of DocumentsCorePack templates consist of fixed text
and Dynamics 365 fields. There are also some additional function calls available and data
from Dynamics 365 can also be manipulated.

Template Settings (Dynamics 365)

Template settings are additional capabilities that can be defined in your DocumentsCorePack templates.
The purpose of most of the settings is to improve the automation of the document generation process.

Document Subject (Dynamics 365)

The Document subject property allows you to define a subject, or a subject pattern for your template. If you only set a document name, the document name will be set as subject as well. So when you use the [Create Activity]-button form the Client, the subject will be already prefilled in the creation dialog.
Please note: This setting only affects the DocumentsCorePack Client Based process!

How to test a DocumentsCorePack template (Dynamics 365)

You have created or modified a new template and now you would like to give
it a try. You can test your template with DocumentsCorePack Client.

Document Name (Dynamics 365)
The Document name property allows you to define a name, or a name patter
for your template. So the actual document already has a pretty name as soon
as it is generated. This setting applies to both, DocumentsCorePack Server Based and
DocumentsCorePack Client Based. The following step by step description outlines
how to set this property in the DocumentsCorePack Client for your template.