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How to display new entities in the search field in SmartBar

This blog article outlines how to integrate new entries in the SmartBar entity and SiteMap entry search field.

Requirements: SmartBar for MS CRM 2013


Figure 1: SmartBar Entity and SiteMap Entry search field.

If you have added entities or sitemap-entries to your CRM organization after the installation of SmartBar for MS CRM 2013, they won't be available in the entity-search box of SmartBar. Please follow the steps below to integrate them.

1) Open the Products overview in CRM
First, open the SmartBar dialog at the top of any CRM entity window. Then type in Products to get to the Products-overview. 

Figure 2: SmartBar search field.

This action ópens the Active Products-overview. 

Figure 3: Active Products-overview

Next, select SmartBar with a double-click.

2) Delete the CBEntities-Settingskey
In the next window, search for the CBEntities-Settingskeys and delete it. 

Figure 4: SmartBar Settingskey

3) Restart the SmartBar Config
Now restart the SmartBar Config in the StartPane. 


Figure 5: SmartBar Config

Select your profile to connect to the organization for which the entities have been added. Select the appropriate organization and click on the [OK]-button. 

Figure 6: CRM Connection setup window

As soon as the connection and user rights have been verified, select the appropriate organization and click on the [Launch Config.]-button.

Figure 7: Organization overview for SmartBar for MS CRM 2013

This action will open the SmartBar Server Config.-window. As soon as this window has been loaded, the process is completed. Now click on the [OK]-button in order to finish. 

Figure 8: SmartBar Server Config. for MS CRM 2013.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

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