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Save modes of RecordCounter for MS CRM 2011

If you hit the [OK]-button on the RecordCounter Server Config first, it will generate and save the fetches and then generate and import the RecordCounterServerConfig-solution.

In some cases it will be helpful to only save the fetches or only to import the solution.

This article describes how this can be achieved.

Make the selection box visible

In the RecordCounter Server Config there is a hidden selection box. If visible, it can be used to select the save mode of the Config. In the following two cases the box will be visible:

1: After you have set a registry value to true

Open the registry on the server on which the RecordCounter is installed and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PTM EDV-Systeme\RecordCounterserver

Figure 1: Registry editor

Add the string value ShowConfigSaveMode with the value true to it.

Figure 2: String value ShowConfigSaveMode

2: If during the save process an error occurs

After you have hit the [OK]-button, the RecordCounter Server Config will save all settings and import the solution. Once the settings have been saved successfully, and if during the import of the solution occurs an error, the selection box will be shown.
But in this case the save mode is set to SolutionOnly and cannot be changed. The reason for this is that there is no need to save the settings and only the solution needs to be imported again.

Available Save Modes

There are three modes available.

Figure 3: Available save modes


Using this mode, the Config will first save all settings, e.g the fetches. The second step is to import the generated RecordCounterServerConfig-solution.

This is the default mode. It will work in 99 percent of all cases.

If the selection box is hidden, this mode is selected.

This mode will only generate and save fetches for the selected entities. Theses fetches will be executed to count the linked records.

This mode will only generate and import the RecordCounterServerConfig-solution. It adds a link to the ptm_LineItemCountOnload-library and executes the StartLineItemCount-function for all selected entities.

Purpose of theses modes

These modes can be very helpful if you, for example, have detected that the entity Account causes a solution importing problem. The reason for that could be that the main entity from Account is unmanaged.
In this case check all entities (Account-entity as well) for which the RecordCounter should be activated. Select the SettingsOnly-mode and hit the [OK]-button. After the process has finished, all necessary settings (like fetches for all selected entities) have been stored.

Therewith, the RecordCounter will start, the ptm_LineItemCountOnload-JavaScript-library must be added and the starting function must be executed. This can be done for all managed entities by using the RecordCounterServerConfig-solution.
As shown in the example, leave the same entities selected, but uncheck the whole Account-entity, as it is causing the problem. Next, select the SolutionOnly-mode. Then start the import process with a click on the [OK]-button again. After the process has finished, the RecordCounter is set up for all entities, except for Account.
Now, the RecordCounter will work for Account as well. You will have to add the library and execute the starting function for it manually. How this can be done is described in the following article.

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