- Blog


This blog is deprecated since July 2020.The articles below are no longer maintained and might contain outdated information. 
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Hello and welcome to our blog! What can we do for you? Are you looking for further technical information or step-by-step instructions to our products? Or would you like to read the latest news on mscrm-addons? Please feel free to browse our blog for detailed information and to share our posts!

AssureSign-Templates for DocumentsCorePack

DocumentsCorePack needs some AssureSign-Templates to be able to work with AssureSign.


These templates have to be imported into AssureSign as described in the e-Signatures User guide. 


You can download the AssureSign templates here: (102.84 kb)

How to add custom columns to ActivityTools grids

This articles explains how you can add custom columns to ActivityTools grids for CRM 2015/2016.

Via a CRM settings key additional columns can be added to the ActivityTools grid. For each activity type and column, a separate CRM field can be displayed. The custom columns will be inserted between the subject- and date/time-column and can have column headers. This is a global setting and takes effect for all CRM users.

Create XML

First of all you need to create an xml including your column information. The base structure looks like this:

     <columns header="[define if custom columns should have header (true / false)]">
       <col id="[Id of this custom Column]" width="[Width of this column in pixel (100px)]">
           <h id="[lang code of header (1033)]">[Header for 1033 - English (Custom Col)]</h>
           <h id="[lang code of header (1031)]">[Header for 1031 - German (Zusatzspalte)]</h>
           <a id="[activity type name]” field="[used CRM field]"/>  
           <a id="[next activity type name]” field="[used CRM field]"/>


The header-attribute of the columns-node is used to define, if the custom columns should have headers or not (possible values: true or false).

For each custom column, one col-node has to be defined. Its id-attribute can be any text, but it is important that no CRM field is named similar (e.g. new_custCol1). Its width-attribute controls the column width (value consists of quantity and px).

If the header-attribute was set to show column headers, labels must be defined in the header-node. For each CRM language a different label can be defined through adding multiple h-nodes. The id-attribute has to contain the CRM-language-code (1033 for English) and the preferred text is the value of the node.

The activities-node controls for which activity types the column should be filled and which CRM field should be displayed. To accomplish this, for every activity type one a-node can be inserted. It consists of the id-attribute which contains the activity type name (email, fax, appointment, ...) and the field-attribute which contains the logical name of a CRM field of this entity.


Add setting to CRM

The next step consists of creating a new Settingskey.
Please open CRM and navigate to Settings > Products and open ActivityTools. Create a new Settingskey (
this article explains this in detail).

Fill in the following values and hit save:

Name: GridCustomColumns
IsCached: Yes
KeyValue: [insert the before created XML]

After reloading ActivityTools, the new columns should be visible.


Sample XML

This example defines two additional columns. Column headers are enabled.
The English header of the first one is Regarding. The column will be filled for email, letter, appointment and phone call. The value will be taken from the regardingobjectid-field for all of them. The column width is 200px.
The header text of the second column is Info. Only for appointment and phone call records this column will be filled. For appointments the category-field will be used and for phone calls the phonenumber-field. Its width is 100px.

     <columns header="true">
      <col id="custCol2" width="200px">
        <h id="1033">Regarding</h>
        <h id="1031">Zusatzspalte2</h>
        <a id="email" field="regardingobjectid"/>
        <a id="letter" field="regardingobjectid"/>
        <a id="appointment" field="regardingobjectid"/>
        <a id="phonecall" field="regardingobjectid"/>
      <col id="test1" width="100px">
        <h id="1033">Info</h>
        <h id="1031">Info</h>
        <a id="appointment" field="category"/>
        <a id="phonecall" field="phonenumber"/>



Figure 1: Result (Custom columns added)


That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

SharePoint Documents Button Error – SmartBar

Sharepoint Documents Button Error – SmartBar 

 If you encounter an error, after -clicking- on the Documents Button inside SmartBar 2015/16 please follow this blog article. 

SmartBar is per standard using the Client-based SharePoint integration view. If you instead use the Server-based integration on your CRM System, your click could result in one of the following errors:

Internet Explorer (frame error)




Figure 1: IE Frame error

Chrome (blank)

Figure 2: Chrome (blank)


  1. Please Navigate to Settings -> Products -> SmartBar and create a new SettingsKey. Check this Blog Article if you don’t know how to create one.

  2. Fill in the following values and click on save:

Name: UseServerBasedSP
IsCached: Yes
KeyValue: true

Figure 3: New Settingskeys

After clicking on the SmartBar Documents Button now, you should see the correct view without any errors.

Figure 4: Correct view without errors

That's it! We appreciate your feedback on our products and blog! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to!

How to remove dependencies when you delete a solution manually in CRM

When you try to delete a solution, it will show you an error message if there are any dependencies.

To solve this issue, please follow the steps below.

Copy the GUID from the error log which is retrieved from the error message.

The line in the logfile will look like this:


You will need its GUID value for the next step.


In case that the logfile does not contain this line, open the CRM solution in the web browser in order to access its URL. It will look similar to this:


The GUID is the value after the equal sign ("%7b" and "%7d" are encoded brackets)


Now navigate to the following URL:

https://YOUR CRM URL/tools/dependency/dependencyviewdialog.aspx?objectid=GUID&objecttype=7100&operationtype=dependenciesforuninstall


Replace the "YOUR CRM URL" with your own CRM system's URL and replace the GUID with the GUID retrieved from the above steps.


You will be provided with a list of dependencies, which you can manually remove from your system now.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

Field Search in DocumentsCorePack

Because the call for a Field Search in our DocumentsCorePack Client grew louder and louder, we decided to implement one.

Please note: The Field Search is available in version 7.101 and later versions.

The Field Search can be run in the

- DCP Template Designer (in both tabs, the standard as well as the additional one)
- template settings
- relationship Manager
- look-up-fields (or additional entites), no matter if there is a Search Field or not    

How to use the Field Search  

Open your DocumentsCorePack Template Designer (aka DocumentsCorePack Client) by clicking on Insert Mail Merge Fields on the left side of the command bar.



Figure 1: Open Insert MailMerge Fields

To search in the DocumentsCorePack Template Designer, insert a random term and click on the magnifying glass.

Figure 2: Search for term in the DocumentsCorePack Template Designer

In our example, we look for the term Name. After clicking on the magnifying glass, all the fields that are tied to the term Name appear. Additionally, you can see all the related entities. 

Figure 3: Example search for the term name

With a click on + (Plus) next to the upbrought fields, you can open the related entities. No matter on which entity you click, the only fields that will be shown are the ones that contain the search term (here: Name):

Figure 4: Open related fields

How to set your Field-Search-preferences

If you want to set or change your Field Search-preferences, click on Settings at the bottom of the DocumentsCorePack Template Designer.

Figure 5: Change field search preferences

The Settings-window opens. Here you can set your Field Search-preferences by checking the corresponding fields (Name, Display Name and/or Description) in the Search-section: 

Figure 6: Set field search preferences

As soon as you have refined your settings, click on the [Close]-button and proceed with your search.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

How to upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016

This article provides step-by-step instructions regarding to the upgrade of our addons to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016.

Our addons provide a wide range of helpful features! But before you will be able to enjoy the various benefits of or addons for MS CRM 2016 there is some work (at least let us call it like that) waiting for you:

The upgrade.

Do you know Murphy’s 4th Law of Computing? You do, don’t you? No?*

Anyway, we are not here to make jokes (seriously!), but to make sure that your product works impeccably. Having that in mind, let us start:

There are three possible scenarios from which you could start your upgrade.

1) The ideal case

You are the delighted owner of one of the following addon versions:

DocumentsCorePack (DCP) Client > 7.103 
TelephoneIntegration Client > 7.100
DocumentsCorePack (DCP) Server > 2015.109  
TelephoneIntegration Server > 2015.100
AttachmentExtractor, SmartBar Server, ActivityTools > 2015.200

In this case, an upgrade from MS CRM 2015 to 2016 is possible without extra work.

2) The semi-ideal case:

Your current version is none of the versions mentioned before, but you have not tried to upgrade your CRM to the 2016 version yet. No problem – simply upgrade to one of the versions mentioned above and then upgrade to MS CRM 2016.

3) The – well, we are going to work it out together – case:

Your addon's version is none of the versions mentioned before, but you have already upgraded your MS CRM to the 2016 version. If so, simply upgrade to one of the versions mentioned in the first case.
Probably you will stumble over the following failure notice:

Figure 1: Upgrade failure notice

Yes. We know. You also wanted to be one of the ideal case–users. But imagine – in that case you would not be able to read that wonderful blog and I wouldn’t have a job. So let’s focus on the positive aspects.

What is more: We have the perfect solution for your issue. Simply click on the [OK]-button, then press the [Cancel]-button and finally, click on the [Yes]-button (the short version of "Did you turn it on and off again?" ;) ).

Figure 2: Cancel setup 

After a few seconds, a new CRM connection setup-dialog appears. For further information on the CRM connection dialog, please have a look at our documentation of the same name. 

Figure 3: CRM Connection setup dialog

Select your preferred organization and click on the [OK]-button. Follow the upgrade instructions as usual…

Figure 4: Upgrade (example addon: TelephoneIntegration Server)

… and the upgrade will work out perfectly!

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

* Murphy’s 4th Law of Computing: When the going gets tough, upgrade.

How to open the DocumentsCorePack Advanced Template Settings (Dynamics 365)

In order to apply special settings to your DocumentsCorePack Template, you have to access the Template Settings Dialog. How to get to this essential dialog is outlined step by step in this article.

The latest version of our software can be found here.

  1. Create a new or open an existing Template
    Open Word and navigate to (1).
    Open an existing template with a click on the [Open Template]-button (2)
    and open the Template Designer window
    using the [Insert MailMerge Fields]-button
    (3). Or create a new template from scratch by solely hitting
    the [Insert MailMerge Fields]-button. (3)

    Figure 1: DocumentsCorePack Add-In
  2. Open the Advanced Template settings
    Hit the [Advanced Template Settings]-button
    (4, see figure 1)
    in the Template Designer.
    Navigate to the property you would like to modify
    by clicking on the item (5, see figure 2)
  3. Figure 2: Template Settings
A complete list of all the available properties can be found here.
That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

DocumentsCorePack Property Syntax (Dynamics 365)

Certain properties of DocumentsCorePack templates consist of fixed text and Dynamics 365 fields. There are also some additional function calls available and data
from Dynamics 365 can also be manipulated.
Several DocumentsCorePack properties support the same syntax. A list of these
properties can be found at the end of this article. This article covers the basic syntax and the advanced options that can be used

  1. The basic syntax:
    Fields from Dynamics 365 are enclosed by << and >> when you insert them from the tree view.

    Figure 1: Fields

    Fixed text must be typed manually into the text field and must be enclosed by single quotes (' ).

    Figure 2: String
    To combine several Dynamics 365 fields and fixed text you have to use the plus sign (+). 

    Figure 3: Plus
  2. The advanced syntax:
    Function calls can be applied to Dynamics 365 fields by using . (dot) and the actual function call.
    There are also standalone method calls supported. The function call must end with brackets.
    Certain functions may also support parameters or have mandatory parameters. 
    Figure 4: Function pos with parameters 2 and 5

    Figure 5: Standalone function DATETIME without parameters

The following table contains a list of all available functions that can be applied to Dynamics 365 fields.
For all examples bellow please assume the <> field will be after the merge.





will insert y signs from the xth

Result: "CRM-a"


will insert the first x – signs.
E.g.: <>.left(5)

Result: "MSCRM"


will insert the last x signs of the string. E.g.: <>.right(3)

Result: "com"


displays all values in the field in capital letters.



displays all values in the field in small letters.

Result: ""


displays the first letter in the field before as capital letter.

Result: ""


displays the first letter in a
sentence in capital letter


reverses every case

Result: "mscrm-ADDONS.COM"

The following table contains a list with all available functions that can be applied to Dynamics 365 fields





generates a unique serial



inserts the actual and local date
and time

06.12.2013 16:06


there are many different
formatting options for displaying
the culture name for different
countries For more information
please click here.


mm:ss, de-DE)

For more information about the
different cultures which can be
displayed, please click here.

06.Dezember.13 16:06

This syntax applies to the following properties and special fields:

Template Properties 

  • Document Name and Subject
  • Sub Folder
  • Sharepoint Metadata

Special Document Fields

  • Calculated Fields
  • Advanced String
  • Hyperlink field
  • QR Code

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

Template Settings (Dynamics 365)

Template settings are additional capabilities that can be defined in your DocumentsCorePack templates.
The purpose of most of the settings is to improve the automation of the document generation process.
The template settings window consists of a menu area (1) and the actual settings area (2).

Figure 1: Template Settings

Below you can find a complete list of all available template settings with a short description. Some elements have a more detailed description attached as a link.


  • Document Name and Subject
    The document name allows you to specify a final filename for the generated document. Also, the subject can be set for further DocumentsCorePack Client based operations.
    Document Name and Subject
  • General
    A list of general settings. In this section, you also can mark your template as a so called Label Template with special behavior.
  • Create Activities For
    This section is used to predefine settings for DocumentsCorePack Client based operations. It affects the Regarding and Recipient fields for Dynamics 365 activities created with the DocumentsCorePack Client.
  • Document Protection
    You can provide a password to your generated Word document. Also for the DocumentsCorePack Server based document generation, you can set a password for your PDF and enhance the security of your PDF.
  • Sub Folder
    Let your template automatically create a subfolder in the default location of your documents to structure your documents.
  • Client Automation
    Set certain options to improve the speed of work by setting default options for certain DocumentsCorePack Client based operations.
  • Email(Create Activity)
    These settings are only intended for the DocumentsCorePack Client based operations. It only takes affect when the [Create Activity]-button of the Client is used and does not work with the Send as …-option.
  • Additional Fields
    This area contains fields that are not directly inserted into the template. You do not have to worry about the settings because all out of the box functionalities populate the necessary fields automatically.

    Sharepoint Metadata
  • If you are using the standard Dynamics 365 SharePoint integration you can define metadata fields and values in your template. As soon as the generated document is saved, also the metadata is populated to Dynamics 365.
    Sharepoint Metadata
Related Topics:
Insert Fields

That’s it!
 We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

Document Subject (Dynamics 365)

The Document subject property allows you to define a subject or a subject pattern for your template. If you only set a document name, the document name will be set as subject as well. So when you use the [Create Activity]-button form the Client, the subject will be already prefilled in the creation dialog.
Please note: This setting only affects the DocumentsCorePack Client Based process!

Example: A template named Quote_Base.docx (1) populates the subject field of the Create Activity dialog Nuclear Power Plant-QUO-01000-W4G3T9.docx (2).


  1. Access the Document Name and Subject section
    Navigate to Document Name and Subject (1).  
    Figure 2: Example of a set property
  2. Enable the set subject option and switch to the subject tab
    Check the Set document name and subject separate-checkbox (1).
    Switch to the subject tab (2)
    Figure 3: Subject section

  1. Set your subject pattern
    Insert placeholder for Dynamics 365 fields by double-clicking the element in the treeview
    or type in some fixed text enclosed by single quotes

    The basic rules for the syntax of this property are:
    Dynamics 365 fields must be enclosed by << and >>
    Fixed text must be enclosed by single quotes (').
    - Fields and fixed text must be combined with a plus (+)

    Details about the syntax for this property can be found here:
    DocumentsCorePack Property Syntax
  2. Save your template
    Before you can use or test your template you have to save it.
    Either you save your template locally with the standard Save or Save as
    functionality of Word, or you use the Save template-option of the
    DocumentsCorePack client in order to publish the template to Dynamics 365.
  3. Test your template [optional]
    As you have made changes to your template you might want to test it quickly. A step by step description of how to test your template can be found here.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to