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Email Signature or Default sender does not work with ActivityTools for Dynamics 365

You have enabled the default signature of Dynamics 365 or defined a default sender via the ActivityTools Signature Editor. But on reply/forward from within ActivityTools, it is not set. This article shows how this can be solved.


This feature is only available for Dynamics 365 version of ActivityTools (2017.xx).


E.g. for your system user you have an email signature with the option “Set as Default” similar as below:

The signature is inserted correctly when you create a new email, but not if you reply/forward from within ActivityTools. A common reason is that the ActivityTools onload scripts are not added to the user email form.


For the main email form named “E-Mail”, this is done automatically via the “ActivityToolsPluginConfig” solution which is part of the ActivityTools installation. To check if the solution is installed got to Dynamics 365 > Settings > Solutions.


For all other email forms, these scripts have to be added manually as described below.

Open Dynamics 365 > Settings > Customizations > Customize the System

In the so opened window select Entities > Email > Forms > and open the relevant email form as you can see in the figure below. 


In the so opened email form hit on  “Form Properties”. Next, add the libraries ❷ “ptm_GeneralJSFunctions.js” and “ptm_ActivityTools/js/Signature.js”. For the event select  “OnLoad”  and add the function PTMATN.InsertSignature” of the library “ptm_ActivityTools/js/Signature.js”.


Save and publish the form. If it does not work immediately, close and restart your web browser.


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PowerSearch for Dynamics 365 – FIPS support

This blog article describes how to make for PowerSearch for Dynamics 365 FIPS compliant.

This article is ONLY relevant for you if FIPS compliance is enabled on your Dynamics 365 server OR you plan to enable it in the future.

Minimal PowerSearch version: 2017.12.1

It is recommended to create a backup of your existing PowerSearch configurations first. More information about how to export/import PowerSearch configuration records can be found here

Then open Dynamics 365 Settings, navigate to the MSCRM-ADDONS-area and open Products. Select PowerSearch and add a new settings key to its settings subgrid by hitting the [+]-button on the right side and enter: 

Name: PSFipsCompliance
KeyValue: true


The sample message below tells that 4 configs will not work if FIPS is enabled on the server. Hit the [OK]-button. 
4 PowerSearch Config message


If everything was successful you will see the following notification: 
Success notification Figure 4: Success notification


But if FIPS is already enabled on your server, it is not possible to convert the values directly. In this case, the following dialog will pop up: 
Message if FIPS is enabledFigure 5: Message if FIPS is enabled

It asks for permission to regenerate the config records instead of converting them. This is similar to a change of the InputFetchXML in the PowerSearch config. Afterward custom labels, orders, default values and so on will be reset. Hit the [OK]-button in order to start.

 If you now see the following notification, the process was successful. 
Success notification Figure 6: Success notification

Finally please install the FIPS compliance license key which you get from our Support team ( 


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How to enable the Dynamics 365 Plugin Tracing

This blog article outlines how to enable Dynamics 365 Plugin Tracing.

Please follow the steps below: 

1) Open Dynamics 365, navigate to Settings > Administration and select System Settings as you can see in the figure below. 

Step-by-Step: How to set up User-Prompts

This blog article covers a Step-by-Step example on how to set up user-prompts in DocumentsCorePack Template Designer. 

Prompts enable the user to add or modify document elements without opening the document. The additional options for prompts are displayed in an additional window of the DocumentsCorePack dialog. 

Figure 1: Prompts within the DCP Dialog

The following steps contain a description of how to set up such prompts in your templates. 

Step 1: Create a Prompt
A prompt is defined in a template within the advanced template settings. To access the prompts settings navigate to ❶ "Insert MailMerge Fields" to open the DocumentsCorePack Taskpane. Go to ❷ "Advanced Template Settings" and select  "Prompts".

Figure 2: AutoMergeWorkingItems properties

The Prompts-Editor allows you to ❶ create, ❷ edit and ❸ delete prompts. Also, the ❹ sort order of how the prompts should appear can be modified as well. 

Figure 3: Prompt Editor

Step 2: Add a prompt 
You can add a prompts by using the add button. Each prompt requires a name (special certain chars are not allowed).

Figure 4: Add Prompt 

There are 3 different types of different prompts that you can select: 

  •  Text (as single or multiline)
      A text allows the user to enter additional text in the DCP dialog that will be added to the generated document.
      A text prompt can be a simple single line of text or also a text box by using the allow line breaks option. 
      By setting the required checkbox you can define if a user has to enter data.

  • Checkbox
      A checkbox prompt enables you to either add or remove optional content in the document. 
      A checkbox is by default mandatory. 

  • Select
      A select prompt enables you to keep only one specific section, out of several setup blocks in the document. 


Each prompt also requires at least one label. A label is a text that is displayed in the DocumentsCorePack Dialog in front of the actual control (see Figure 1). If a label for the current user language in Dynamics 365 is set this translation will be displayed. If there is no label that matches the current user's language, the first one in the list is displayed. 

Figure 5: Label

After you have set up the prompts in the settings, you are able to insert them into your document. 

Step 3: Insert a prompt in your document
You will find an additional selection in the "Insert Field" -> "Computed Item" -> ❶ "Prompt Field". Each entry represents a prompt that you have created previously. 

 Figure 6: Insert prompt

A ❶ text box does not require any further septs as it will be replaced with the text entered by the user. For prompts of the type ❷ checkbox and ❸ select, you will have to replace the current placeholder text with your desired content.

 Figure 7: Template before and after replacement of placeholders

Step 4: Save your template
Before you can use or test your template you have to save it. Use the Save template-option of the DocumentsCorePack client in order to publish the template to Dynamics 365. 

Please Note: Prompts do not work with the Template Designer, only by using the DocumentsCorePack Server Dialog  ("Create Document").

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Upgrade to Dynamics 365 Online Version & higher

 If your Dynamics 365 Online will be upgraded to the version, you will have to switch to the latest versions of ActivityTools, AttachmentExtractor, PowerSearch and SmartBar. 

After the upgrade, you will face the problem, that ActivityTools, AttachmentExtractor, PowerSearch and SmartBar are no longer loading, nothing is displayed and the license indicator remains blank. 

To avoid this problem, please upgrade our solutions to the versions below. More details about how to find the version number for each mscrm-addons products can be found here.  

  • ActivityTools: version 2017.21
  • AttachmentExtractor:
    General version to 2018.37
    AttachmentExtractorCore Version to 2017.13 - Download here
    Please notice: If it still does not work - Disable all plugins starting with PTM.AE.Storage. 
  • PowerSearch: version 2017.14
  • SmartBar: version 2017.8

All versions can be found in our Download Center.

Please note that the zip files contain an installer executable and a subfolder containing the solutions only. If you do not have a local Installation, please update the solutions in your Dynamics 365 manually. You only need to update the solutions, that are already present in your system.

The general solution only needs to be updated once per organization.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to




How to save generated documents to a specified SharePoint URL

In this blog article, you will learn how the DocumentsCorePack ServerBased functionality can be used to save generated documents to a specified SharePoint URL in a workflow. More information about how to create a workflow can be found here. We will skip this part and focus on the step which saves the generated documents to SharePoint. 

Therefore, we have to create a new AutoMergeWorkingItems, which makes sure that the generated document will be saved to a specified SharePoint URL. To do so, please add a new step to your workflow and set click on the  [Set Properties]-button. The properties for this step could look like in the example below: 


❷ AutoMergeAction
Open the drop-down menu and select CreateDocumentSelect this option to create a document in any Microsoft Dynamics 365 standard and/or custom entity.

❸ PrimaryRecordUrl
Insert the PrimaryRecordUrl here by using the Form Assistant on the right side (highlighted in yellow). A description of how to set a PrymaryRecordsUrl-field can be found in this blog article

❻ Direction
Select the direction of your SharePoint service here. In this case "Entity to SharePoint" because we want to save a generated document based on an entity to SharePoint. 

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Only count users with security role for licensing

This blog article outlines the new method for counting licenses based on security roles.

This feature was enabled in order to deal with a common issue that all users with an assigned Dynamics 365 will automatically become enabled users in every Dynamics 365 tenant and thus counts towards our license although the users have no access to the tenant.

Once enabled, our licensing will count users only if they have at least one security role assigned which is not the case for auto-assigned users from the Office 365 portal. 

To activate this feature the only thing you need to do is create a new settingsKey for AutoMerge called “CountUsersWithSecurityRolesOnly” with value “true” as you can see in the figure below. More information about how to create settingsKeys can be found here.  


Please notice, that you need to do so in every org where users without security roles should not count towards our license.

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Define default sender using the ActivityTools Signature Editor

This blog article helps you to change the default sender of the emails. Please follow the next steps in order to do so:

1) Navigate to the ❶ user record and click on the  [Signature Editor]-button in the ribbon marked in yellow in the figure below. 


In the so opened Signature Editor-window please activate the "Use Options" feature and select the new default Sender - in this case, "Support User" as you can see in the figure below. Do not forget to save your changes! 

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to!

How to set up and use AND/OR keywords in PowerSearch

This blog article outlines how to set up and use AND or OR operators in text search fields. 

This feature is available for Dynamics 365.
Minimal required PowerSearch version: 2017.12

To activate the new feature, please open your Dynamics 365, navigate to Settings and select PowerSearch in order to open the PowerSearch Config Page. 


In the so opened config page, please navigate to the ❶ [General Settings]-tab. Here you can enable the ❷ new setting "Search Fields Inline Filter".  You can define own values for your ❸ AND and OR operators. The default values, therefore, are && and || but of course, you can use anything else to personalize your operators. 

Please note that it only works against text/strings attributes inside Dynamics 365. 



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Display of the DocumentsCorePack Controls in the Fields section

If you are facing problems with the display of the DocumentsCorePack Controls in the Fields section or in the advanced template settings, please try to upgrade to the latest version of DCP on our website and activate the following settings in Documents Core Pack Settings: 


Navigate to the area and select  DocumentsCorePack Settings. Next, go to the  Advanced settings and check the  Open Template in new Word Instance checkbox


That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to