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How do I create a document and attach it to an email in a single workflow step in MS Dynamics 365 Online?

This step-by-step tutorial outlines how to create a document and attach it to an email in a single workflow-step.

Requirements: DocumentsCorePack ServerBased, MS Dynamics CRM 2015/2016 or MS Dynamics 365

Step 1: Create a new workflow
First, open Dynamics 365 (CRM) and navigate to Settings ❶ and Processes . In the My Processes-area click on the [New]-button ❸ in order to create a new workflow.

Figure 1: Add a new process


Please type in a Process name ❶ (here: Test Workflow), set Workflow as Category , select the entity you would like to create the workflow for  (here: Account), and click on the [OK]-button in order to finish the creation of your new workflow. 

Figure 2: Create a new workflow

Step 2: Add your workflow details

If we want to receive a good result for our workflow, we first have to create an email. To do so, please click on the [Add Step]-drop-down-button ❶ and select Create Record. Type in a name for your step  (here: Create Email) and use the Create:-drop down menu ❸ to set the Create:-section to Email. Next, click on [Set Properties]-button .

Figure 3: Create an eMail record


An email activity opens. In this window, a sender, a subject and an email text ❺ has to be defined. The form assistant supports you when it comes to the setting of the Recipient-field . The Regarding-field ❻ is often already pre-filled. If not, simply follow the same instructions as for the Recipient-field for the Regarding-field. 

Please set the cursor into the Recipient-field ❶ in order to set the recipient. Next, select Account in the Look for:-drop down menu ❷ in the Form Assistant-area on the right sight, click on the [Add]-button ❸ and then on the [OK]-button . Now the Recipient-field is filled out correctly. 

Figure 4: Configure the email activity

Optionally, you may scroll down and configure some more details of the eMail step. 

Once you have finished the configuration, please click on the [Save and Close]-button.

Next, we want to create a new AutoMerge Working item, which makes sure that the document is generated and attached to the email properly. To do so, please add a new step. Again, click on the [Add Step]-button and select Create Record. Then, type in a step description and use the Create:-drop down menu to set the Create:-section to AutoMergeWorkingItems. Next, click on the [Set Properties]-button.

In the window that opens now, we set the properties for the next step. To do so, please name the AutoMergeWorkingItem  (here: Create and Attach) and set an AutoMergeAction  using the drop-down menu (here: CreateDocument). 


Figure 5: Name the AutoMergeWorkingItem

Next, it is important to make sure that the workflow contains all the important settings that are necessary for a smoothly running process.
Apart from the name and the AutoMerge Action, it is important to fill in the following fields:

 the PrimaryRecordsUrl-field
❷ the TemplateToExecute-field 
❸ the SaveAs-field
and ❹ the EmailToAttach - field

Figure 6: AutoMergeWorkingItems

Please find further information on how to insert the single fields below. 

1) How do I set a PrimaryRecordsUrl-field?
To do so, please set the cursor in the PrimaryRecordUrl-field  ❶ and go to the Look for:-area ❷ within the form assistant on the right side. Next, select Record URL(Dynamics) ❷ from the second drop-down-menu, click on the [Add]-button ❸ and then on the [OK]-button .

Figure 7: Insert the PrimaryRecordsUrl


2) How do I select a template to execute?
To determine the template that should be executed during the workflow, simply set your cursor in the TemplateToExecute-field and look for the template you would like to add.

Figure 8: Select a template

How do I set a file format?
The Save As- field enables you to select a certain file format. In order to define it, simply use the drop down menu of the field. 

How do I define which eMail should be attached?
Next, set the cursor into the EmailToAttach-field  and select Create Email (Email) in the form assistant ❷ on the right side. Please note: It is of utmost importance also to select an eMail here. Next, click on the [Add]-button . Once you have finished the configuration, please click on the [Save and Close]-button  in order to save your settings. Additionally, it is possible to send the document via eMail if you insert the created eMail (see 1, 2 & 3) also into this field

Figure 9: Attach eMail 

Now your workflow settings are finished and the workflow is ready to be used. Please do not forget to save the workflow before you proceed! 

Figure 10: Workflow - ready to use 

Step 3: Activate your new workflow

Please select your newly created workflow in the My Processes-section and click on the [Activate]-button in the command bar. 

Figure 11: Activate workflow 


In the following question dialog, click on the [Activate]-button in order to proceed. 

Figure 12: Activate the process

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to


Where do I find the Unique Organization name in Microsoft Dynamics 365?

When ordering licenses, you will be asked for the organisation unit name of your Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM) system. This information is mandatory in order to create a license. Below, you will find a short description on how to get the necessary information for Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM).

Open your system in your preferred browser and navigate to Settings > Customizations.

Figure 1: Navigate to Settings > Customization


Next, open the Developer Resources.

Figure 2: Developer Resources​

Here, you will find the Unique Organisation Name.
Please note: Our key is case sensitive and does not work if the names do not fit.

Figure 3: Unique Organization Name in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM)

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

How do I create a workflow with DocumentsCorePack SB Online?

Once activated, workflows automate and thus, facilitate business processes in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM).  
In this step-by-step tutorial, you will learn how to create workflows with DocumentsCorePack Server Based successfully.

Requirements: DocumentsCorePack ServerBased, Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015/2016 or Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM)

Prerequisites: Create a new workflow

Please access your Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM) and navigate to Settings > Processes. In the My Processes – area, click on the [New]-button in order to create a new workflow.
A webpage dialog pops up. Type in a name, determine an entity and select “Workflow” as the process category. Afterward, click on the [OK]-button.


Within this tutorial, we will create the following steps:

1) Create a document
2) Insert a Wait Condition (Has the document creation been finished yet?)
3) Attach document to letter – Step A
4) Attach document to letter (if finished – Step B)
5) Insert a Wait Condition (Has the document creation been finished yet?)
6) Delete document

We will work with the entity Contact, the category Workflow and the process CRMWorkflowExample. Our starting point is the Process: CRMWorkflowExample-dialog.

Step 1: Create a document
This option supports you when dealing with the creation of documents. To create a new record (e.g. document), simply click on the [Add Step]-drop-down menu and select Create Record


As soon as the step has been added to your workflow, you may want to give it a name that reminds you of what it contains, e.g. create document. Then open the drop-down menu next to Create, select AutoMergeWorkingItems and click on the [Set Properties]-button .


The dialog below opens. It allows you to configure the first step of your workflow. Again, name the window (here:Create Document ) and look for CreateDocument in the AutoMergeAction field .


Now, click on the magnifying glass next to the TemplateToExecute field and select the template that should be used within the workflow and the file format the document should be saved as .


It is also very important to insert the PrimaryRecordUrl. To do so, set the cursor in the PrimaryRecordUrl-field and select Record URL (Dynamics) in the drop-down menu in the Form Assistant , click on the [Add]-button and on the [OK]-button. The PrimaryRecordUrl-field is filled now. Do not forget to save your changes!  


The first step of your workflow is now added and fully configured. If you want to stop your workflow at this point, you can click on the [Save and Close]-button and finish here. If you want to add further steps, you have to define a condition to be fulfilled before adding further steps. 

Step 2: Wait condition
Whenever you add a step, you need to make sure that the step has been finished before you start with the next step. The Wait condition step checks this automatically.

For example, if you want to create a letter-activity with the previously generated document as an attachment, you need to make sure that the document creation is completed, before you attach the document to the letter activity. To do so, open the [Add-Step]-drop-down menu and select the Wait Condition.


When the step has been added to your workflow, you may want to give it a name that reminds you of what it contains, e.g. Wait condition . Then click on (click to configure).


The next window allows you to define the condition to be fulfilled for the workflow proceeding.

Whenever you click on Select, a drop-down menu opens that allows you to set the conditions for this step. For our purpose, we select the conditions Create document ( AutoMergeWorkingItems), Status , Equals and Inactive from the Select Values dialog.


If you have followed the steps carefully, your window will look like this one. Click on the [Save and close]-button.

By setting this step, you have determined that step 2 of this workflow will only be executed if step 1, the document generation, has been finished successfully.

Step 3: Attach document to letter – Step A
The next step enables you to attach a document to an already existing letter.

To add the next step, e.g. to create a letter-activity, simply click on Select this row and click Add Step and afterward, click on the [Add Step]-button and select Create Record from the drop-down menu.


When the step has been added to your workflow, you may want to give it a name that reminds you of what it contains, e.g. Attach document to letter . Then open the drop-down menu next to Create, select Letter and click on the [Set Properties]-button .

Within the next window, you must define a sender and a subject and type in the letter’s text.

To define the recipient, click in the Recipient-field and go to the Look for-area within the form assistant on the right side. Select Contact in both drop-down-menus, click on the [Add]-button and then on the [OK]-button . Once finished, do not forget to save your settings.


Step 4: Attach document to letter – Step B
This step makes sure that the previously created document will be added to the letter-activity. To attach a document to the letter, simply click on the [Add Step]-drop-down menu and select Create Record ❷.


When the step has been added to your workflow, you may want to give it a name that reminds you of what it contains, e.g. Attach document to letter – Step B . Then open the drop-down menu next to Create, select AutoMergeWorkingItems and click on the [Set Properties]-button ❸.

The dialog that opens now allows you to configure the AttachToLetter-workflow-step. Name it and define the corresponding AutoMergeAction (here: AttachTo letter).

Within the Attach to Letter-section, you can determine the letter-activity to which the created document will be attached to and the document which should be attached.


To determine the letter-activity, which the document should be attached to, set the cursor in the LetterToAttach-field in the AttachToLetter-section and select CreateDocument ( AutoMergeWorkflow) from the first drop-down menu in the Look For-section and LetterToAttach from the second within the form assistant on the right side. . Once finished, click on the [Add] -button and then on the [OK]-button .


To determine the document which should be attached, set the cursor in the DocumentGUID_Letter-field and select the correct document from the drop-down box in the Look For-section within the form assistant on the right side.  Then click on the [Add]-button and on the [OK]-button .


You have now completed the configuration of this step. Do not forget to save the settings!

However, if you want to stop your workflow at this point, simply click on the [Save and Close]-button within the general workflow-configuration-window and finish here.

Step 5: Insert another Wait Condition
If you want to add further steps to your workflow, you have to define another Wait-Condition to be fulfilled before you add further workflow-steps. For more information in Wait Conditions, have a look at Step 2.

Step 6: Delete document
However, as soon as the condition is set, you can add another step. In our example, we want the document to be deleted after it has been attached to the letter-activity.

To create this step, click on Select this row and click Add Step and open the [Add Step]-drop-down menu. Select Create Record and type in a description. Select AutoMergeWorkingItems from the drop-down box within the step and click on Set Properties.

A dialog pops up in which you can set that the document will be deleted. To do so, name the process and the action (we decided to call the process ‘DeleteTempDocument’). Afterwards, click in the DocumentGUID_Delete-field within the Delete Temp Document-section and select the document to be deleted from the drop-down box in the Look For-section within the form assistant . Click on the [Add]-button and then on the [OK]-button. Do not forget to save your settings!


Theoretically, you could add as many steps as you wanted to add to a certain workflow. But as our last step consists of deleting the document, we decided that it is the last one for our workflow.

STEP 7: Get your result
If you have followed all the steps, your result should look similar to the below screenshot.  


That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to!

How to avoid the browser security-check for *.url files in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM)

This article outlines how to avoid the browser security-check for *.url files in MS Dyn CRM.

Requirements: ActivityToolsPluginExtension Solution (learn more about the solution and how to install it here)

Once the ActivityToolsPluginExtension solution is installed, you can open *.url files from within our feature and thus, avoid the browser security-check for *.url files in Microsoft Dynamics CRM (365). To do so, simply click on an *.url-file  in our feature and the corresponding URL  will open immediately. 

Figure 1: Open an *.url-file

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to!

How do I edit eMails quick & easy in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM)?

This article outlines how to use the free MSCRM-ADDONS WYSIWYG-Editor in order to edit eMails quick and easy in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM). 

Requirements: ActivityToolsPluginExtension Solution (learn more about the solution and how to install it here)

YOUR HUGE ADVANTAGE: Edit & customize eMails directly in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM)

Once the ActivityToolsPluginExtension solution is installed, you can edit emails with a click on the [Open e-mail in dialog]-button.

Figure 1: Click on the [Open e-mail in dialog]-button

This action opens the WYSIWYG eMail editor, which allows you to customize your eMails in many different ways.

Figure 2: WYSIWYG eMail editor


The following overview displays the main customization possibilities.

Figure 3: Customization possiblities 

Select your Style here

Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Remove Font Style 

Font Size

Font Family

More Color/Recent Color

Back and Forth


 Insert Link  

 Insert Picture
        There are two options to insert a picture:       


The editor enables you to insert and manage tables as well:

Figure 4: Further customization possibilities (e.g. for tables)

Insert a table (max. 12 x 10, min. 1 x 1) and select the style of the table here

Click here in order to insert a horizontal rule

Switch to the code view with a click on this button

Unordered list/ordered list

The Paragraph-section contains all commands that are explained under point 6

Allign left, allign center, allign right, justify full, outdent, indent

Line height

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to!

How do I add notes & attachments via drag & drop to Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM)?

This article outlines how to use the free MSCRM-ADDONS feature which allows you to add notes & attachments via drag & drop to Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM). 

Requirements: ActivityToolsPluginExtension Solution (learn more about the solution and how to install it here)

YOUR HUGE ADVANTAGE: Save time by editing & adding attachments & notes quick and easy to Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM)

As soon as the ActivityToolsPluginExtension solution is installed, you can already benefit from our marvellous feature. 

Figure 1: ActivityToolsPluginExtension added

From now on, you can rely on the following functionalities, which guarantee a smooth Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM) user experience:

- Native drag & drop functionality for attachments
- Simplified access to attachments via links
- Bulk delete of notes and attachments is possible
- Simply click on file name in order to download it 

How to add attachments and notes quick and easy

There are two ways to add notes and attachments:

- via drag and drop from a fileshare 
- with a click on the [Files]-button ❶

Figure 2: Edit notes and attachments

The feature provides you with the following information regarding attachments :
- the filename
- the size

If you want to edit more than one attachment at a time, simply check the box next to the attachment(s) .
In case you must delete an attachment, simply check the box and click on the [Garbage bin]-button .

Figure 3: Attachment saved as note

Once you have saved an attachment, you will notice that it has been saved as a note.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to!


Advanced e-Mail handling and attachment management in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM)

The solution enhances the handling of e-Mails, notes and attachments. This articles outlines how to import the solution and how to embed the features of the solution as webresource into a random entity.

Minimum requirement: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015, AttachmentExtractor and/or ActivityTools. 

Depending on the CRM version and add-on you use, the solution must be downloaded in different ways. 
Please find the solution for AttachmentExtractor here
Please find the solution for ActivityTools here

How the solution facilitates your user experience  

Once you have embedded the solution, you can benefit from its functionalities:

Learn how to add notes and attachments via drag and drop in this article
Find out how to edit e-Mails quick and easy in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM) here.
And learn how to avoid the browser security check for *.url files in MS Dynamics 365 (CRM) in this article.  ​

How to import the solutions

Please navigate to Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM) > Settings > Solutions and open 'Solutions' in order to import the solution. 

Figure 1: Access the solutions

Next, please click on the [Import]-button in the Command bar of the All Solutions-section. ​

Figure 2: Click on the[Import]-button

Please import the solution with a click on the [Browse]-button. 

Figure 3: Solution import ​​

In the next window, click on [Import] in the right lower corner. The solution import starts. As soon it has finished you will be forwarded. 

Figure 4: Click on the[Import]-button

Congratulations! You have successfully imported the ActivityToolsPluginExtension Solution. In the next chapter, you will learn how to embed the required webresource in order to benefit from the ActivityToolsPluginExtension features. 

Figure 5: ActivityToolsPluginExtension added

How to embed the required webresource

Please follow this step-by-step tutorial in order to embed the required webresource into any given entity.
Please note, that it is necessary to select an entity with attachments and notes activated.

Step 1: Open the form editor
In order to do so, navigate to the entity you would like to embed ActivityToolsPluginExtension to and click on the [Form]-button in the CRM command bar. This action opens the form editor for (as in this example) the entity Account.

Figure 6: Open the form editor

Step 2: Add the webresource
Please switch to the Insert-tab and click on Webresource in order to look for an existing web resource.


Figure 7: Open the webresource


Next, look for the ptm_ActivityTools/Extension/AdvancedEMail.html webresource and name it properly. Please note: All fields marked with an * are mandatory.

Figure 8: Look for ptm_ActivityTools/Extension/AdvancedEMail.html


If you want to, you can customize your newly added webresource. To do so, switch to the Formatting-tab. Here, you can select the number of columns the control occupies, change the row layout (we reccomend to insert 8 rows), customize the scrolling settings and define if you want your future webresource to be framed or not. Once you have set all the details, please click on the [OK]-button. 

Figure 9: Customize webresource

Step 3: Save and publish your changes 
Drag and drop your newly created webresource to its future place . Next, click on the [Save]-button and then publish your customizations with a click on the [Publish]-button .


Figure 10: Save and publish your changes

Step 4: Navigate back to CRM and refresh the page with a click on F5.
Congrats! You have successfully embedded the webresource. 

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

How to create a new activity properly in GroupCalendar

Activities in GroupCalendar can be created quickly or with all details attached from the very start. This step-by-step tutorial outlines how to create activities properly.

Step 1: Open GroupCalendar and select a date. Once selected, it is highlighted in blue.

Step 2: To create a new activity properly, decide which activity you would like to create and click on the [New Activity]-button in the SideBar. (For further information on the SideBar, please have a look at the GroupCalendar User Guide.)

In the so opened drop down menu, select your preferred activity. In this tutorial, we create a new appointment, so we click on Appointment.

Figure 1: Create new activity (here: appointment)

Step 3: Please insert the appointment details in the so opened window.

Please note: All fields marked with * are mandatory, all the other fields are optional. Because the single activities do have different requirements, also the fields vary. Please understand, that due to space restrictions we will only explain the fields of one activity here (Appointment). However, should you have any questions, you can contact our support anytime via email at

Step 4: Please enter the appointment details in the New-Appointment section. It contains some mandatory and some optional fields, which are explained below.

Figure 2: Create a new appointment – Appointment section

Subject (Mandatory)
Enter your subject here (a title that summarizes the appointments’ content).

Required & Optional (Optional)
Enter the required/optional teams, groups, resources and users here. The fields are Lookup-fields and thus, connected with your CRM data. 

Location (Optional)
Insert your location here. 

Should you have activated the color code functionality, you can select a color here. For further information on how to configure the color code functionality, please have a look at our GroupCalendar Install Guide

Scheduling information (Mandatory and optional)
In this section, you can set the start- and ending-time of your appointment. These two fields are mandatory. You can as well set a duration time by selecting one of the entries in the drop-down menu or by checking the box next to All day event.

Once set, please do not forget to save your settings.

Step 5: Now please scroll down to get to the next section of the New Appointment - window.

Figure 3: Create a new appointment – Notes section

Notes (optional)
In this section, you can add notes, like a reminder (about some documents you need for the appointment or some information regarding person to meet)

Attachments (optional)
You may add some attachments here. Use the Look-up-field to search for attachments saved on your computer or any other device, as for example quotes or documents.

Please note: Before you add an attachment, you have to save the activity – record (here: appointment). The files you attach here will be saved in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM). The files do have a maximum size that depends on your Dynamics 365 configuration settings.

Once set, please do not forget to save your settings.

Step 6: Please scroll down again to get to the last section of the New Appointment - window. Once finished, do not forget to save your settings!

Figure 4: Create a new appointment – Details section

Details (Mandatory and optional)
In this section, you can refine the details of your appointment. The Owner of the appointment is the only mandatory field that exists in this section, because it connects the appointment to a certain user. Furthermore, you can enter a topic in the Regarding-field, select a Category, a Sub-Category and an Organizer for the appointment. These fields are all optional. 

Conflicts Tab (Informatory)
The Conflicts-tab provides you with information regarding your schedule. Should there be any conflicting activity, it will be displayed here.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

How to create a new activity in GroupCalendar – Shortcut

When being in a hurry, there might not be enough time to set a new activity with all the tiny details attached.
That is why we developed two different ways to create an activity in GroupCalendar. This step-by-step tutorial outlines how to set up a new activity in GroupCalendar in no time. If you would like to know more about how to create an activity en detail, please have a look at this article.

Step1: Open GroupCalendar and double-click into a random date field. Enter your activity details here.

Figure 1: Double-click for a new activity

Step 2: Click on the [Save]-button in order to save your settings. In contrary, click on the [Cancel]-button if you want to change your settings.

Step 3: Once saved, the details are displayed in Group Calendar.

Figure 2: Quickly saved new activity (appointment)

Step 4: As soon as you have time, you can define the details of the activity. To do so, simply double click on the activity you have saved previously. In the window that opens, you can insert all the details. For further information on how to create a detailed activity, have a look at this article. However, do not forget to save your settings!

Figure 3: Change your appointment details

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to!

GroupCalendar usage – FAQs

Scheduling teams is not always easy. Knowing so, we created GroupCalendar.

Supported by several views, users easily get an overview of all (created and unscheduled) activities, as well as all available resources.

This article outlines some frequently asked questions regarding GroupCalendar and is linked to articles that provide you with the answers.

1) Is there a shortcut to create a new activity in GroupCalendar?
Indeed, there is. Please follow this article to learn how to create a new activity in GroupCalendar on the run.

2) But how do I create a new activity properly?
Unlike outlined in the answer to question number one, activities can also be created with all details attached – from the very start. This article provides you with a step-by-step tutorial on how to do so.

3) How do I add a new resource to a resource group?
Please learn more about how to add a new resource to a resource in the Group Calendar User Guide’s How-To Section.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to!