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Ofner Patrick
Ofner Patrick
Ofner Patrick's Blog

DocumentsCorePack FileExplorer in IFD environment

This article is about the DocumentsCorePack (DCP) FileExplorer in IFD environments for CRM 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2016.

Basically, DocumentsCorePack's FileExplorer is not supported in CRM IFD environments. Nevertheless, it could be possibly working. If you want to try to configure it, follow this article.


  • The embedded File Explorer only works in Internet Explorer (does not work in any other browser and is not tested with MS Edge).
  • FileExplorer won’t work when accessing CRM from outside the local network.
  • When launching FileExplorer with the IE-Dev-Tool opened, you will notice a security warning regarding to mixed http and https.
  • There is no further development planned!
  • In combination with IFD, FileExplorer integration is not covered by the support contract. 

Steps to configure

These steps have to be performed after the default installation of DocumentsCorePack Server part without any special configurations (do NOT run the IFD tool for DCP).
  1. Change the connection type of the DCP profile to 0:
    Open the registry of your CRM server > Local Machine > Software > PTM EDV-Systeme > AutoMergeServer > ActiveProfile

    Figure 1: Registry editor
  2.  Look for the connection-profile with this ID in Profiles and set CrmConnectionType to 0.

    Figure 2: CrmConnectionType 

  3. Internet Information Services Settings
    The DCP-Website must have an http-binding including a free port. To ensure that, open the IIS Manager and select the DocumentsCorePackserver-website and check the bindings. Remember the port: Its value will be required in the next steps. 
    As well in IIS Manager, ensure that the Managed pipeline mode of the DocumentsCorePackserverPool- Application Pool is set to Classic

    Figure 3: Edit Application Pool

  4. Navigate to CRM > Settings > Products and open DocumentsCorePack. In the below grid, all settingskeys will be listed.
    For DCP File Explorer only, follow A. If you also use DCP Server based (e.g. CRM workflows) to store documents to the FileShare, follow B.

    1. Open the WebApplicationPort-setting and change its KeyValue to assigned port of the DCP Website.

      Figure 4: WebApplicationPort

      And Open “DCPServerUrl” and change its “KeyValue” to “http://+[CRM server URL]: 

      Figure 5: DCPServerURL

    2. Open WebApplicationPort-setting and change its KeyValue to “http://+[CRM server URL + Port of website in IIS] +/fileexplorer/fileexplorer.aspx?testp=|”:

      Figure 6: Define the WebApplicationPort KeyValue

      And Open DCPServerUrl and change its KeyValue to http://+[CRM server URL]:[port of DCP website]:

      Figure 7: Define the DCPServerURL KeyValue

      Please note: The [OpenDocument]-button is NOT supported in this case!

  5. Define Server-based user (only necessary if you use DCP ServerBased)
    Go to CRM > Settings > Solutions > and open AutoMergeServerCore. Its ConfigPage will load. Use it to define a user which have enough permission to access the file share and CRM (in doubt, a local and CRM admin).

    Figure 8: DCP Server-based Config

  6. Permission: Give everyone full access on the file share and its sub folders (required).

  7. Define a user which is a CRM admin and local admin in the DCP webconfig. To do so, open the DocumentsCorePack web.config-file of the installation directory (usually C:\Program Files\PTM EDV-Systeme GmbH\AutoMerge Server for MS CRM 2015\web.config) and modify the identity-node: 

    Figure 9: web.config-file of the installation directory 

  8. Make the website work within CRM: Open the InternetExplorer settings and allow mixed content.

    Figure 10: InternetExplorer Settings


Trouble Shooting

  • This error could appear when you open the website:

    Figure 11: Server Error in '/' application

    To resolve it, open the web.config of the installation directory of DCP Server part and remove both lines starting with Infragistics2. In addition, change the targetFramework of compilation to 4.0 (if not already done).

  • This error could appear when you try to save files to FileShare:

    File is not saved to file share.

    Activate debugging of DCP FileExplorer (see Solution 2: SERVER SOLUTION): link
    If generating documents via DCP server based (e.g. from a CRM Workflow), activate server based debugging as well: link
    You can find the log-files in the subfolder Log of the installation directory of DCP Server part.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

How to add custom columns to ActivityTools grids

This articles explains how you can add custom columns to ActivityTools grids for CRM 2015/2016.

Via a CRM settings key additional columns can be added to the ActivityTools grid. For each activity type and column, a separate CRM field can be displayed. The custom columns will be inserted between the subject- and date/time-column and can have column headers. This is a global setting and takes effect for all CRM users.

Create XML

First of all you need to create an xml including your column information. The base structure looks like this:

     <columns header="[define if custom columns should have header (true / false)]">
       <col id="[Id of this custom Column]" width="[Width of this column in pixel (100px)]">
           <h id="[lang code of header (1033)]">[Header for 1033 - English (Custom Col)]</h>
           <h id="[lang code of header (1031)]">[Header for 1031 - German (Zusatzspalte)]</h>
           <a id="[activity type name]” field="[used CRM field]"/>  
           <a id="[next activity type name]” field="[used CRM field]"/>


The header-attribute of the columns-node is used to define, if the custom columns should have headers or not (possible values: true or false).

For each custom column, one col-node has to be defined. Its id-attribute can be any text, but it is important that no CRM field is named similar (e.g. new_custCol1). Its width-attribute controls the column width (value consists of quantity and px).

If the header-attribute was set to show column headers, labels must be defined in the header-node. For each CRM language a different label can be defined through adding multiple h-nodes. The id-attribute has to contain the CRM-language-code (1033 for English) and the preferred text is the value of the node.

The activities-node controls for which activity types the column should be filled and which CRM field should be displayed. To accomplish this, for every activity type one a-node can be inserted. It consists of the id-attribute which contains the activity type name (email, fax, appointment, ...) and the field-attribute which contains the logical name of a CRM field of this entity.


Add setting to CRM

The next step consists of creating a new Settingskey.
Please open CRM and navigate to Settings > Products and open ActivityTools. Create a new Settingskey (
this article explains this in detail).

Fill in the following values and hit save:

Name: GridCustomColumns
IsCached: Yes
KeyValue: [insert the before created XML]

After reloading ActivityTools, the new columns should be visible.


Sample XML

This example defines two additional columns. Column headers are enabled.
The English header of the first one is Regarding. The column will be filled for email, letter, appointment and phone call. The value will be taken from the regardingobjectid-field for all of them. The column width is 200px.
The header text of the second column is Info. Only for appointment and phone call records this column will be filled. For appointments the category-field will be used and for phone calls the phonenumber-field. Its width is 100px.

     <columns header="true">
      <col id="custCol2" width="200px">
        <h id="1033">Regarding</h>
        <h id="1031">Zusatzspalte2</h>
        <a id="email" field="regardingobjectid"/>
        <a id="letter" field="regardingobjectid"/>
        <a id="appointment" field="regardingobjectid"/>
        <a id="phonecall" field="regardingobjectid"/>
      <col id="test1" width="100px">
        <h id="1033">Info</h>
        <h id="1031">Info</h>
        <a id="appointment" field="category"/>
        <a id="phonecall" field="phonenumber"/>



Figure 1: Result (Custom columns added)


That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

Use DocumentsCorePack with CRM 2011 list components for SharePoint

This article is only relevant if you are using SharePoint folders or SharePoint sites integration of DocumentsCorePack. It does not concern DocumentsCorePack in combination with the CRM integrated SharePoint.

It describes how to use MS CRM 2011 list components to show and manage SharePoint documents of your DCP folder or site configuration.
It is available from DCP Server version 5.43 on and works with SharePoint 2010 and 2013.

How to activate it

First, you have to install the MS CRM list components for SharePoint. The installer can be downloaded by using this Link.

Next, create a new product setting for DocumentsCorePack.
Name: SPSUseCRMListComponents

IsCached: Yes

Value: true

This article explains how this can be done.

To test whether MS list components were enabled successfully or not, close all InternetExplorer instances, reopen them and click on SharePoint Documents.

The result should look like the following:

Figure 1: SharePoint Documents

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

Execute AutoMerge for MS CRM 2011 and 2013 via JavaScript

This article explains how to execute the Create Document-step of AutoMerge manually in JavaScript. This allows to include this functionality in custom - applications (e.g. create documents via a CRM-button-click and save document to SharePoint )

This article covers both:

1) Calling the plugin

2) Handling the result

Attached, you can find the full library for download.

How to start the Create-Process

The Create Document-part of AutoMerge is installed as plugin in CRM. To trigger this plugin, you have to execute a Retrieve Multiple-request on the AMTrigger (logical name: ptm_mscrmaddonscomamtrigger)-entity. It is important that the result-attributes-list contains the ptm_FullXML-attribute. It will contain information returned by the plugin.
In addition, the request must include two filter conditions.
The first condition needs to ensure that solely the record with the name cmd_automerge will be returned.
The second one is a pseudo-condition which is used to pass information to the plugin. This information has to be in XML-format and has to look like this:


Description of parameter
•    EnableSingleDebugging: Here you can define if this step should be debugged. Options: true, or false. It is recommended to always define it as false. If debugging is needed, activate it via the AutoMerge configuration.
•    MessageType: Must be Create
•    PrimaryEntityId: The Id of the record for which the merge process should be executed.
•    PrimaryEntityLogicalName: The logical name of the starting entity.
•    TemplateId: The Id of the template which should be used for the merge process.
•    SaveAs: Defines the file format of the generated document (docx, doc, pdf,…).
•    SaveLocation: There are two options. 0: the document will be saved only in the User/Temp Settings-entity. 1: the document will be saved in the User/Temp Settings-entity and in File Share or SharePoint (depending on your setup of the DocumentsCorePack server configuration).
•    PrintTo: If the generated document should be printed as well, define the path of the network printer here.

The Retrieve Multiple-request looks like the following:

var filter = "";
filter += "false";
filter += "Create";
filter += " 069E5412-84F6-E111-977B-00155DC8AE09 ";
filter += " account ";
filter += "00BDBD7D-65DD-E111-BEC0-00155DC8AE09";
filter += "docx";
filter += "1";
filter += " ";
filter += "";

$ptm.retrieveMultiple("ptm_mscrmaddonscomamtriggerSet", "?$filter=(ptm_name eq 'cmd_automerge') or (ptm_FullXML eq '" + filter + "')&$select=ptm_FullXML", CreateDocumentFinished, CreateDocumentError);

CreateDoucmentFinished and CreateDocumentError specify the CallBack-function after executing the request.

Process the results

After the request is executed, you will receive a result from the plugin.

Successful result
A successful result message looks like the following:
•     “AM_” is static text
•    “6_17” is the plugin version
•    “<>valid” is static text
•    “533d31c2-72da-e311-a232-00155dc80d02” is the ID of the generated “ User/Temp Settings”-record. It contains the generated document in the “Notes”-section. If the document is stored in SharePoint or File share, you can find the full path to the document in the “Value”-attribute.

Unsuccessful result
An unsuccessful result message looks like this:
“ERROR:|CHECKLICENSE|SUCCEEDED|new AutoMerge|StartMerge|EmptyGUID||ErrorMerge|BeforeCreateDoc

or like this:

Below you can find a function which handles the result. If the process was successful, the documentId will contain the Id of the created User/Temp Settings-record. If not, an error message will be shown.

function CreateDocumentFinished(data, textStatus, XmlHttpRequest) {
    if (data != null && data.length >= 1 && data[0].ptm_FullXML != undefined) {
        var response = data[0].ptm_FullXML;
        var indexOfPipe = response.indexOf("|");
        var documentId = "";
        if (indexOfPipe >= 0 && (response.indexOf("valid") != -1 || response.indexOf("trial") != -1) && response.toLowerCase().indexOf("error") == -1) {
            documentId = response.substr(indexOfPipe + 1);
            indexOfPipe = documentId.indexOf("|");
            if (indexOfPipe != -1) {
                documentId = documentId.substr(0, indexOfPipe);
        else {
            alert("ERROR: While creating document");
    else {
        alert("ERROR: While creating document");


Created User/Temp Settings-record:

Figure 1: User/Temp Settings

1: ID retrieved from the plugin. This ID references the mscrm-addons-temp record with the doucment attached
2: Link to the document on SharePoint: needed if you want to e.g. open the doucment from SharePoint
3: Attached document: Needed to process the temp-document



Attached you can find the whole JavaScript-example. It uses the ptm_GeneralJSFunctions.js and ptm_jquery1.4.1.min web resources to trigger the plugin. They were imported during the installation of DocumentsCorePack server.
If you do not want to use this library, of course you can trigger the plugin with a standard HTTP request. (1.29 kb)

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

Filter linked entities: .docx templates

It is possible to filter the linked entities of a 1:N and a N:N relationship during the merge process based on their IDs.
This works in combination with DocumentsCorePack and AutoMerge, but only with .docx-templates.

To achieve this, you have to create a new record of the User/Temp Settings entity containing a filter.

Use the Name-field to define for which user, entity type and record ID the filter should be used.

•    Structure

AMPreFilter|<>|< >|<>|<>|

•    Example



Use the Value-field to define the IDs of the linked records which should be shown in the template.

•    Structure


•    Example



Please note: The IDs must be in upper case and must contain brackets.

During each merge process of .docx-templates, the DocumentsCorePack Client and the AutoMerge addon both look for a suitable filter.
If such a filter is found, only linked records with a matching ID will be shown. The filter is deleted afterwards.
The usual merge process remains unchanged.


Here you can see an account named ptm EDV-Systeme. It has several contacts related.

Figure 1: Account with related contacts


When we use the following filter, only contacts that match the GUIDs in the filter will be shown in the result document.
The defined user-GUID and the user running must match as well.

Figure 2: Example for an applied filter

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

Perform a config change of RecordCounter for MS CRM 2011

The current version of RecordCounter for MS CRM 2011 contains performance updates. These updates will take effect, once the following changes have been made to the config.

This article describes how to do this.

After the upgrade process of RecordCounter has finished, please start the RecordCounterServer Config and connect to your organization.

Figure 1: Record Counter Configuration

When the config tool has finished loading, check or uncheck any checkbox of the tree view.
We suggest to take some of the second level ones because they have less impact.

In the below example, we have checked Cases in the entity Contact:

Figure 2: RecordCounter Server Config 

The reason for this is that the Config should notice that there was a change. After a click on the [OK]-button, it will generate the fetches with the new logic again.

Now you only need to restore the old state. After the configuration has closed, start it once more. Now check or uncheck the same entity as before again. After a click on the [OK]-button, you will have the old state with the new fetches.

Please note: If your changes do not take any effect after the configuration has been closed, please restart the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sandbox Processing Service on the CRM server.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

Save modes of RecordCounter for MS CRM 2011

If you hit the [OK]-button on the RecordCounter Server Config first, it will generate and save the fetches and then generate and import the RecordCounterServerConfig-solution.

In some cases it will be helpful to only save the fetches or only to import the solution.

This article describes how this can be achieved.

Make the selection box visible

In the RecordCounter Server Config there is a hidden selection box. If visible, it can be used to select the save mode of the Config. In the following two cases the box will be visible:

1: After you have set a registry value to true

Open the registry on the server on which the RecordCounter is installed and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PTM EDV-Systeme\RecordCounterserver

Figure 1: Registry editor

Add the string value ShowConfigSaveMode with the value true to it.

Figure 2: String value ShowConfigSaveMode

2: If during the save process an error occurs

After you have hit the [OK]-button, the RecordCounter Server Config will save all settings and import the solution. Once the settings have been saved successfully, and if during the import of the solution occurs an error, the selection box will be shown.
But in this case the save mode is set to SolutionOnly and cannot be changed. The reason for this is that there is no need to save the settings and only the solution needs to be imported again.

Available Save Modes

There are three modes available.

Figure 3: Available save modes


Using this mode, the Config will first save all settings, e.g the fetches. The second step is to import the generated RecordCounterServerConfig-solution.

This is the default mode. It will work in 99 percent of all cases.

If the selection box is hidden, this mode is selected.

This mode will only generate and save fetches for the selected entities. Theses fetches will be executed to count the linked records.

This mode will only generate and import the RecordCounterServerConfig-solution. It adds a link to the ptm_LineItemCountOnload-library and executes the StartLineItemCount-function for all selected entities.

Purpose of theses modes

These modes can be very helpful if you, for example, have detected that the entity Account causes a solution importing problem. The reason for that could be that the main entity from Account is unmanaged.
In this case check all entities (Account-entity as well) for which the RecordCounter should be activated. Select the SettingsOnly-mode and hit the [OK]-button. After the process has finished, all necessary settings (like fetches for all selected entities) have been stored.

Therewith, the RecordCounter will start, the ptm_LineItemCountOnload-JavaScript-library must be added and the starting function must be executed. This can be done for all managed entities by using the RecordCounterServerConfig-solution.
As shown in the example, leave the same entities selected, but uncheck the whole Account-entity, as it is causing the problem. Next, select the SolutionOnly-mode. Then start the import process with a click on the [OK]-button again. After the process has finished, the RecordCounter is set up for all entities, except for Account.
Now, the RecordCounter will work for Account as well. You will have to add the library and execute the starting function for it manually. How this can be done is described in the following article.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

How to enable debugging for the RecordCounter

Please note 

This article only applies to the RecordCounter in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011. 


How to activate Debugging

Within CRM, navigate to Settings [1] > Products [2] and open the Plugin-record [3].

Figure 1: Open Plugin-record


Select the Settingskeys [1] and open the debug-setting [2].

Figure 2: Open debug-setting


Set the KeyValue to true [1] and hit the [Save]-button. From now on debugging is activated.

Figure 3: Activated debugging


Access the log files

The log files will be stored in the MSCRM-ADDONS-com Debug-entity. The easiest way to access it is by using the advanced find.

Select the MSCRM-ADDONS-com Debug-entity [1] and include the following condition: Name must Contain LineItemCount [2]. It ensures that only log files of the RecordCounter will be retrieved. Then click on the [Results]-button. [3].

Figure 4: Advanced Find


In the next window, use the Add-columns functionality and add the ptm-message-field to the grid. 

Next delete all retrieved debug records. Then reproduce the error and refresh the result list of this advanced find. This ensures that you only have the latest and relevant log files.

Select all records and hit Export Debug [1]. 

Figure 5: Export Debug

In the next dialog, check Static Worksheet and hit the [Export]-button.


Please send the excel log-file with a short error description and a screenshot to our support (


That's it! We appreciate your feedback about our feature and your MS Dynamics CRM 2016 user experience.

Please share your thoughts by sending us an email to

Configuration loading error of AutoMerge

This article outlines what you can do if the AutoMerge Configuration page doesn’t load.

If the AutoMerge solution won’t load, please follow the below instructions.

Figure 1: AutoMerge Server - Microsoft Dynamics CRM


Step 1: Access the CRM address

Add the url with which you usually access CRM to the trusted sites. In this example case it is http://crm2011r6-de.

Open your Internet Explorer Settings [1] > Internet options [2].

Figure 2: Open Internet options


Navigate to the Security-tab [1], click on Trusted sites [2] and hit the [Sites]-button [3].

Figure 3: Internet Options > Security-tab


Use this dialog to add your CRM address to the trusted sites. Click on the [Add]-button [1] and on the [Close]-button [2] to finish.

Figure 4: Add CRM adress to the trustet sites


CRM Server address

If the computer name of your CRM Server differs from your accessing address, add it to the trusted sites as well.

The reason for this is that CRM will take the CRM Server name to access the AutoMerge Configuration page.

To do so, open the Control Panel of your CRM Server and look for the Computer name.

Figure 5: Control panel > Computer name


Add it to the Trusted sites too.

Figure 6: Add computer name to the trusted sites

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

RecordCounter - Plugin Registration Error

If the error message Plugin registration error of PTM Plugins! appears after the installation of RecordCounter, it means that the plugin wasn’t updated successfully. To solve this problem, please follow the instructions of this article.

Figure 1: Error message

First, open your CRM > Settings > Solutions. Then press the [Import]-button.

Figure 2: Press the [Import]-button


The following dialog appears. Use it to reimport the The file can be found in the installation folder of the RecordCounter Server Config in the subfolder Essentials. After you’ve selected the solution hit the [Next]-button.

Figure 3: Select Solution Package - dialog

Please keep in mind that the current version installed and the version contained in the update have to match. If this is not the case, it seems that you’ve installed a further add-on which includes a newer version of Do not install this version if these do not match. Instead, look into the Essentials-folder of the other addon and search for the latest (which matches with the current version installed) and select it.


In this example the versions match and we can continue. Press the [Next]-button in order to proceed. 

Figure 4: Solution Information

Now, the following below window (Figure 5) appears. Check Overwrite customizations and press the [Next]-button.

After the import, the error message will not appear anymore.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to