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Codospan Bianca
Codospan Bianca
Codospan Bianca's Blog

DocumentsCorePack Online Scheme

This blog article outlines how the Cloud service structure for DocumentsCorePack works. Once a customer sends a document generation request the service will grab the request from Dynamics 365, retrieve the data, generate the document and push it back to Dynamics 365. Afterwards, the document can be accessed by customers.    

As you can see in  the figure below, the sequence of the document generation is as follows:

1) Document Generation Request:
Once a document generation request is triggered by a Dynamics 365 user or from a Workflow, a Dynamics 365 record called "AutoMergeWorkingItem" fets generated in Dynamics 365. Documents requests can be sent manually from our user-driven document generation wizard. Also, document requests can be triggered from within Dynamics 365-Processes using our Process integration. 

2) Push Request to Document generation service in the Cloud:
As soon as the AutoMergeWorkingItem is saved, a web URL is called. This URL tells the Cloud-service that there is a new document to generate sitting in the Dynamics 365 environment. There is no data transfer at this point.

3) Document Generation:
The Cloud-service connects to Dynamics 365 using Dynamics 365 web services (secure communication via https) and loads both, the document to generate (template) and the Dynamics 365 data needed inside the document. There is no information stored on the VM that hosts the cloud service except debugging is activated - in that case, the data fetched from Dynamics 365 will show up in debug-files. 

4) Send document back to Dynamics 365:
The generated document is sent back to Dynamics 365 using web services (secured communications via https). The document itself is never stored on the VM. 

Please note: To communicate from the cloud-service to Dynamics 365 we use Server2Server authentification without the need to store login credentials on our end. 

IMPORTANT: Customers with security concerns regarding our document generation services are eligible to install DCP either on their own Azure VM or on local hardware. Please note that for performance reasons an installation in the VM is recommended. 

For Dynamics 365 Online customers the document generation service will be hosted in our Azure account. To ensure high performance it will be located in the same datacenter the Dynamics 365-instance itself is located. The installation can be done directly from our website


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How to insert static images for e-Mail templates as a link

If you are using DocumentsCorePack to send e-Mail with images it is recommended to insert any pictures as links. If images are not linked they get embedded into the document. Many e-Mail clients, including Outlook, see such embedded images as a potential security risk and do display them correctly.

Microsoft Word allows you to link to an image.  It is recommended to link to an image instead of adding the entire image to the Word file.  This can be helpful especially if you are using many large images with many different documents, or many times in the same document. Also if an image changes often, you only have one image which needs to be changed once, instead of updating the image in each document whenever it changes. 

 How to link to an image in DocumentsCorePack templates: 

1) Open your Microsoft Word and navigate to Insert and click on the [Pictures]-button. In this window, go to the   File name field and enter the URL of the picture, you want to insert and then click the drop down for Insert and choose  Link to File like you can see it below. 


Please notice: The pictures you want to insert have to be saved on a webserver with access to the inserted resrouces! (e.g as image on your homepage "http://www.yourcompany/images/logo.png")

2) Next, navigate to ❶ Advanced Template Settings on the right side and select ❷ General.  Here you have to select the second check box, that says  "Do not export Picture-Link Images as Base64".   The reason why you have to select this option is that otherwise the pictures get embedded even if you have inserted them as link into the document! 


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How to sort data in DocumentsCorePack with the Relationship Designer

This blog article outlines how to sort data in DocumentsCorePack templates by using the Relationship Designer.This tool allows you to sort your data individually. 

 1) First of all, open Microsoft Word and navigate to Next click on the [Insert MailMerge Fields]-button and prepare the data you want to sort, e.g. like in the example below. 


2) Next, navigate to the right side and select ❶ Additional. Then select the data table you want to sort - in this case, ❷ Contact (table1) and click on the  ❸ [Edit]-button. 


3)  In the so opened window, also called Relationship Designer, you can define how you want to sort your data. To do so, you first have to choose the  Attribute and then the ❷ order you want to sort your data. In this example, we want to sort our data after the First Name Ascending, like you can see below. If you have more than one sorting Attribute, you can specify which should be first executed by setting a priority. 


Please note: This function will sort you all records before these will be merged. After saving your template and merged it with Dynamics 365 data, the table should look like below. 


It is also possible to sort grouped tables.  For more information about how to group tables in DCP .docx templates, please have a look at this blog article. 

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Note title and description (Dynamics 365)

This blog article outlines how to apply special settings, in detail note title and description, to your DocumentsCorePack Template. You have to access the Template Settings Dialog, which is described step by step in this article. 

1) First, navigate to ❶ and click on the  [Insert MailMerge Fields]-button. In the so opened tree on the right side, you have to click the ❸ [Advanced Template Settings]-button to open the Template Settings Dialog.  

2) The Template Settings Dialog allows you to define your Template Settings individual and in detail. Navigate to ❶ General and go to the bottom of this window, to define your Note Title and Note Description. By clicking the ❷ Edit symbol of each option, you can select the fields that should be used in your Pattern. Several DocumentsCorePack properties support the same syntax. To learn more about the DCP syntax, please have a look at this article here

A complete list of all the available properties can be found here.

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Insert a page break after grouping section (Dynamics 365)

This blog article outlines the new feature in DocumentsCorePack (.docx) templates. This feature gives you the possibility to insert page breaks after every grouping section. For more information about how to group tables in DCP (.docx) templates, please have a look at this article here

Please notice: This feature is only available for Dynamics 365.

After grouping your table by the field you want to define the grouping for (in this case, jobtitle), navigate to and choose  Table properties. In the so opened window, you have to select the second check box, that says ❷ "Insert Page break after each grouping header".  


And the option does what it says, as you can see the result in the figure below. Every job title is automatically displayed on a new page. 



How to group tables in DocumentsCorePack .docx templates

This blog article outlines how to group tables in DocumentsCorePack (.docx) templates. The DocumentsCorePack Grouping functionality gives users the possibility to define an optical sorting and thus, a separation for specific fields.

Please note: If the grouping headers are displayed repeatedly or if they are mixed up, please check the sorting that is set in the RelationshipDesigner. Please make sure that the grouping field is also the selected sorting field. 



How to group tables for DocumentsCorePack templates properly: 

1) First of all, open Microsoft Word and navigate to Then click on the [Insert MailMerge Fields]-button in order to create your table with DocumentsCorePack, like you can see it below.

2) Next, open the Additional-tab to create your table by inserting the appropriate MailMerge fields. The Additional-tab is necessary and has been designed to manage additional relationships. For more information about how to create relationships using the DCP Template Designer, please have a look at this blog article


Join us at D365UG/CRMUG Summit 2017 in Nashville!

What are your plans October 10-13, 2017? We are proud Gold Sponsor of D365UG/CRMUG Summit Nashville, one of the most engaging conferences in the industry. As a Gold Sponsor, we excited to share this experience with YOU this October in Nashville, TN as we squeeze every last bit of functionality out of the products and get you the ROI you want and deserve. 

Why YOU should attend
D365UG/CRMUG Summit is THE go-to conference bringing together industry experts, software development vendors, and everyday users to discuss important issues, trends, product updates, customer pain points, and genuine solutions. The value of D365UG/CRMUG Summit is endless! Here are a few more reasons why you should attend:

  • Geek out over great content: There’s no better instructor than an actual Microsoft Dynamics 365 or Dynamics CRM user. Receive deep level technical training in a focused environment on Dynamics CRM functions and entities that you can utilize 365 days a year.
  • Meet & network with your user group buddies: D365UG/CRMUG Summit provides countless opportunities to create lasting relationships by connecting and networking with your Dynamics 365 & CRM peers.
  • Learn from your seriously smart peers: Learn from and connect with Dynamics 365 & CRM experts and MVPs on a personal basis.
  • Evaluate and test solutions: Understand third party solutions and learn what they can do for your industry or organization.


CRMUG Summit provides an inviting and aspirational professional haven for thousands of users. The conference activates a rich grassroots community of peers and experts and provides an unmatched training experience, where users can trust the quality of knowledge exchanged.

Click here to discover more about CRMUG Summit 2017!

 At, our goal is to help you become successful, both as an organization and individually. This is why we have chosen to sponsor CRMUG Summit 2017 and encourage you to make plans to attend this conference. Invest in your career and register today!

What can you expect from our team at CRMUG Summit 2017?

  • Gain profound insight into all our products
  • Learn more about document automation in Dynamics 365 with DocumentsCorePack
  • Receive useful tips, e.g. how to create a Word template in less than 25 minutes!
  • Get a glimpse of how easy it can be to connect your phone system with Dynamics 365 via TelephoneIntegration
  • Simplify your internal handling of activities and e-Mails and find out how to navigate in 365 like a pro!


We will be happy to expand the limits of Dynamics 365 with YOU! See you soon at BOOTH #352!

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback about our News. Please share your thoughts by sending an email to !




How to create a SettingsKey manually in MS Dynamics 365

Sometimes you may be asked to create a new settingskey for one of our products - for example, if we develop a customization for you or if a special configuration is needed, etc. 

To do so, please follow the six easy steps below. 

Addons: AutoMerge, DocumentsCorePack, TelephoneIntegration 

Step-by-step: How to create a SettingsKey manually in MS CRM 2016 or MS Dynamics 365

1. Open your Dynamics 365 in your Browser. 

2. Go to Settings within the Dynamics 365 navigation.  

4. Open the product record for which you need to create a new settingskey for with a double click on it.




Please note: If the new key is intended for a client application like DocumentsCorePack or TelephoneIntegration, you need to restart the Client application.

Otherwise, the setting will not be applied to the Client.

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Advanced Settings "CreateActivitiesFor" in MS Dynamics 365

This feature extends the existing CreateActivitiesFor-property of DocumentsCorePack. This blog article covers the configuration, an example and the technical details of this feature. 

The configuration options allow template editors to define 

  • Recipient 
  • Regarding
  • Save Location  

of activities based on a template independently. For further information on DocumentsCorePack Template Designer, please have a look at the documentation. 


The configuration requires a proper configuration of the DocumentsCorePack Server and you need to understand the fundamental MS Dynamics 365 (CRM) capabilities. 

To access the Advanced Settings, open an existing template or generate a new one. Then navigate to , click on the [Insert MailMerge Fields]-button , open the Advanced Template Settings  and click on CreateActivitiesFor .

 Please note: Per default, only the "Recipient"-tab is displayed. You have to check the "Enable Advanced Settings"-checkbox (highlighted in red), if you want all three tabs to be shown. 

After enabling the Advanced Settings-checkbox, you can select the the RecipientRegarding and the Save Location for your template The options, which can be selected for each area, are displayed in a tree view. You can insert the required relation by clicking on the nodes  "Primary Contact (Contact)" and by double clicking on the correct option  "Contact" in this case  . 


The configuration is set for an Account Template and has the following effects:

  •  The Recipient of the generated activity will be the primary contact of the parent account of the Account Template. 
  •  The Regarding will be set to the Account directly.
  •  And the generated document will be saved to the configured location for the parent account of the Account Template. 

The example below shows the outcome of the configuration for this Account Template in more in detail.​


 The account Corp ❶ with the parent account ptm EDV-Systeme  has a primary contact named Michael Dohr .

After saving this template, you can continue to create a document, either directly from Word by using the [Select Data]-button or by using the [Print in Word]-button within CRM.  Once done so, you get a merged document. 

In case of further document processing, you can use the [CreateCRMActivity]-button and e.g. generate a letter activity  and add the document to your SharePoint .
This process saves our generated document in the folder of the account (ptm EDV-Systeme) and defines the regarding to the account( Corp). 
The recipient is the primary contact of the parent account of the account (Michael Dohr). 

Technical details

The third option (Save Location) also works for DocumentsCorePack ServerBased.

The option to define the Regarding and the Recipient are not available in DocumentsCorePack ServerBased as they can be set directly within the workflow.

The options effect the Create Activity-, the Save as...- as well as the Send as PDF-functionality of the DocumentsCorePack Client.

The outcome when selecting the Create Activity-functionality is described in the above example.

The outcome when selecting the Send as PDF-functionality is the same. 

When you select the Save as...-functionality, the recipient and the regarding-property are ignored. It only saves the generated document to the proper location that is configured with the DocumentsCorePack Server Configuration.​

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to



How to upgrade your AttachmentExtractor Online Service license?

Our AttachmentExtractor (AE) Online Service Configuration allows users to configure AE easily online. For further information on how to configure AE Online, please have a look at our AE Online Configuration video.  

The minute your AttachmentExtractor (AE) license is invalid, it is recommended to check your license status and to react properly. This article outlines

  • how to view the license state of your service and
  • how to upgrade your license online.


A) How to view the license state of your AttachmentExtractor Online Service?

  1) Go to our website and enter your credentials. 



2) Once registered, click on the [My Account]-button in the right upper corner.  


3) Now click on the my cloud services-section in order to get an overview on your subscriptions.


4) You are redirected to the window below, where you can select between DocumentsCorePack and AttachmentExtractor. After choosing AttachmentExtractor, please mark your service and click on the [View and Install License]-button.


 5) The license information window appears. A red cross always signalizes that a license is invalid. There are numerous reasons for an invalid license. 

In this example, the reason why, is that the user owns less site licenses than he actually needs. To overcome this issue, the user has to upgrade the license.


B) How to upgrade an AE Online license?

1) Please log in to your account on our website and open the Account Overview. Next, click on the [Modify package size]-button.

Figure 1: Modify your package 

2) Now you are redirected to the UpgradeSubscription-section. Please click on the [Upgrade]-button in the right lower corner. 


That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to!