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Steindacher Sigrid
Steindacher Sigrid

Sigrid Steindacher´s Blog

How to work with the new DocumentsCorePack custom connector for PowerAutomate (Microsoft Flow)

This step-by-step tutorial outlines how to create a document and attach it to an email using the DocumentsCorePack custom connector for PowerAutomate (Microsoft Flow). 

Overview of the Flow

This flow is triggered on the update of a record (Account in our case), it then creates an Email using the “Create new Record” step from the common data services connector. Afterwards we are using our DocumentsCorePack custom connector to create an email body from a DCP Template and attach it to the email. Then we create an email attachment and attach it to the same email. The last step finally sends the email.


1. Trigger

When you create a new flow, you have to decide which action will trigger the flow. In our case we have simply added a trigger on the update of the Account.


2. Create Email

In the second step we create an Email Message, you can leave the sender, recipient and regarding empty for now, as our DocumentsCorePack custom connector offers a very easy way to fill them later. You can still already fill the Subject and Description to your liking. 



3. Create Email Body

To create the Email Body, we are using the DocumentsCorePack custom connector and choose the step “Create Document Job (sync)”. In this step it is mandatory to specify a template which shall be used to create the email body, and an Entity ID with which the Template shall be merged. (NOTE: The template needs to be created for the Entity Type specified in the Email ID) To create the Email Body we must choose the Filetype “HTML”.


4. Attach Email Body 

After creating the Email Body, we need to attach it to the Email. For this we select the Document that was created in the previous Create Email Body step, this can be found under “Document (Base 64 Encoded)”. We also take the Filename from the previous step and the Email Message from the Create Email step.  


Here you can see what the “Document (Base 64 Encoded)” looks like:


5. Create Attachment

In this step we want to create an additional attachment that shall be attached to the final email. 

Again, we have to choose a Template, an Entity ID and an output FileType. As we want an attachment this time we are choosing “PDF”:


6. Attach Email Attachment

Again, we have to attach the created document to the email. This time we select the “Document (Base 64 Encoded)” and the Filename from the Create Attachment Step.  Additionally, we also need to fill Email ID with the “Email Message” from the “Create Email “Step.


7. Send Email

Now that the Email Body and Email Attachment are attached to our Email, we want to finally send the email. For the “Email To Send” we choose the “Email Message” from the Create Email step. 

Based on the trigger you have chosen you can either use the “Owner” or “Modified By” user to get the current user, if you have a trigger that allows it you can also get the current user using the “User ID” from the dynamic values. This user can be specified as the sender of the email. For Sender (Schema name) we choose the Entity Type “User”. 

Now we also have an option to specify the “Regarding” of the Email, for this we used the Regarding (Id) “Account” and the Regarding (Schema Name) Entity Type “Account”. 
For the To-Recipient we have chosen the To-ID “Primary Contact” and the To-Schema name Entity Type “Contact”.



In Short: It is important that the “Schema name” points to the Entity Type of the ID that is specified.


That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to


How to disable the user button order configuration for SmartBar

If you need a static order of the buttons in the SmartBar Ribbon,
disable the „Enable Drag Option“ in the CRM > Settings > SmartBar > General Settings:


Afterwards delete the user specific button order in the CRM > Settings > SmartBar > Global Settings:

 Global Settings


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How to improve the quality of pictures in DCP Templates by using picture options

Should you face problems with the quality of Pictures in DCP, please try the following settings:

In the ❶ “Advanced Template Settings” navigate to the ❷ “General” tab and activate the ❸ “Do not compress inserted images” option.


If you insert a picture from a note, there are further options to specify:
❹ If the image shall be scaled to fit to the container on the template


 If the template should be scaled to fit the image from the note.

These can be found under “Field Properties” after clicking on the image in Word.



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Application Permissions – Why we need them

This article outlines why DocumentsCorePack need Application Permissions.

If you're creating a service and you have to choose the connection profile, there are several options.
If you use the Server2Server-connection, you need to activate the following:


1.) Access to common data service

This means, that we can read the CRM data in your name
(so we can ensure, that user specific settings are applied to the data retrieved, like number & datetime


2.) Read and Write your files &
      Read and write items in all site collections &
      Read and write items and lists in all site collections

These are the SharePoint security requirements to be able to fully use the Dynamics SharePoint integration.
When DCP is linked with Dynamics SharePoint Integration, DCP will create lists, folders & files in the
SharePoint location as Dynamics would create them.


3.) Sign in and read user profile

This is required to login as the user in dynamics and also for some of our licensing options. 



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How to get debug information from DocumentsCorePack-Dialog

If you have any issues when using One-Click-Actions-Dialogue, this article outlines how to get debug information from DocumentsCorePack-Dialog so you can send it to us.

Open your CRM in this entity, where the error happens.

The very first thing you need to do to create the correct
logging info is please press F12

After pressing F12, a new Window opens.

Now please reproduce the problem/error that happened, when you want to create a Document.

Further steps depends on what ​Browser you are using:
If you are using Chrome, please click here.
If you are using Edge, please click here.
If you are using Firefox, please click here.


Steps for Chrome:




Please check the ending of the Filename, it must be ".log" and save it.



Now please find the Tab "Network" and open this view.



Here please click with right Mousebutton on a record and select "save all as har with content" in the Contextmenue.



Now please attach both files to an e-mail and send it to


Steps for Edge:




Please mark the whole Text and copy it in a Word document or a Editor file and save it.

Now please find the Tab "Network" and open this view.


Please find the "save" button on top.



Please check the Filetype, it must be ".har" and save it.



Now please attach both files to an e-mail and send it to


Steps for Firefox:




Please mark the whole Text and copy it in a Word document or a Editor file and save it.


Now please find the Tab "Network" and open this view.




Now please attach both files to an e-mail and send it to


That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

How to add GroupCalendar to the Sitemap

This article outlines how to add your GroupCalendar to the Sitemap.

Per default GroupCalendar tries to add the application to the "Sales" area.
If you do not have this Area, you can add the GroupCalendar manually, here is how to do that:



Navigate to: CRM > Settings > Customizations >  Customize the System

Click on it and a new Window opens. Navigate further to Client Extensions > Site Map



Do a double click on it and the sitemap designer opens.




Select a Area (in grey row with arrow) and a Group (Column) where you want to add the GroupCalendar.

Mark the last entry (e.g. Powersearch).

Please note:
If there is no entry marked, you can not go to the next step!!



In the windows left side (corner on top) you can find the [Add]-Button.

Select "Subarea" in the Menue and a new entry next to PowerSearch appears.




Mark "New Subarea" and press the pencil to edit. Now the right side of the window changes.


Please enter the following parameters:


Type = Web Ressource 

URL  = ptm_WebApplicationPreloaderGroupCalendar

Title = GroupCalendar

Icon = ptm_Icon32x32_White.png


3. Save and publish your new SiteMap


That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to


How to repair DocumentsCorePack Client using the DCP Diagnostics Tool

This article outlines how to repair a DocumentsCorePack Client using the Diagnostics Tool.

Please navigate to the installation path of DocumentsCorePack Client, for example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\PTM EDV-Systeme GmbH\Documents Core Pack Client for Dynamics 365 

In there, run the "DCPDiagnostics.exe" tool with right click "Open as administrator"(IMPORTANT), in the "Diagnostics" tab, click on "Repair" once.


Afterward, close and restart Word and DCP once.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

How to enable debugging - The overview

Please select the product and CRM version form the table below and follow the link to get redirected to a description of how to debug.






2013 and 2015/2016

 MS Dynamics 365



Click here

 Click here 




Click here






Click here

Click here

 Click here 






Click here

Click here

 Click here 




Click here

Click here

 Click here 



DocumentsCorePack Client

Click here

Click here

 Click here 



DocumentsCorePack Server Based






Click here

 Click here



Click here

 Click here 






Click here












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Click here 

 Click here 
 Online  x   x  Click here 


Click here

Click here

 Click here 

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 Click here 
 Click here 
 Click here 

How to specify a DCP SharePoint Save-Location for entities with multiple Save-Locations

This article outlines how to specify a DCP SharePoint Save-Location for entities with multiple Save-Locations

If you have multiple Save-Locations configured for an entity, you need a way to specify, which one should be chosen by DCP to save the documents.
This can be done with a little customization of your Entity in CRM.

Add a new Field to your Entity with the DataType “Lookup”
and the Record Type “Document Location”:

 Add new Field


Add the SaveLocation Lookup to the Form:

 SaveLocation Lookup


Make sure you “Publish All Customizations” in CRM.
Select the Save Location for the Record in the lookup of your entity:

In the DCP Template navigate to
“Advanced Template Settings” -> “Create Activities For” and activate “Enable Advanced Settings”.

In the “Save Location” specify the lookup field to the Document Location and save your template.


Your generated document will now be saved into the specified document location.


That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

How to configure an Onpremise Service with CRM Online

This article outlines how to create a SettingsKey manually.
It is specifically designed to use Dynamics 365 online and to run the Service for DCP-Serverbased onpremise.
To configure a service properly for such a scenario you have to create an additional settings key.

To get knowledge how to create a SettingsKey manually in general, please click here.

Please open your Dynamics 365 in your Browser. 

Navigate to Settings -> MSCRM-ADDONS -> Products.
Open the Link to DocumentsCorePack and AutoMerge and display all records associated with this view (Button on the right side, next to the "+")

Please also deactivate the LBConfig Setting, if you are not using LoadBalancing. 

After clicking the button, you can see a list of all settingskeys.
By clicking the [ADD NEW Settingkeys]-button you can create a new settingskey. 

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to