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Jin Yan
Jin Yan
Jin Yan 's Blog

How to upgrade AutoMerge for MS CRM 2011 to 2013

This article will show you how to prepare AutoMerge for MS CRM 2011 for an update of your CRM system to 2013!

In order to provide an unified document solution, AutoMerge for MS CRM 2013 is now part of DocumentsCorePack for MS CRM 2013. Both server and/or client-side document generation is now handled by DocumentsCorePack for MS CRM 2013. 

First of all, make sure that you have a valid addon-license for MS CRM 2013. NOTE: your actual AutoMerge for MS CRM 2011 license is not valid for 2013. If you have a valid support contract, then you can order a new CRM 2013 license for free. For more information please contact our support-team

1) What to do before you upgrade your MS CRM system to 2013

IMPORTANT: in order to upgrade AutoMerge for MS CRM 2011 to 2013, the current AutoMerge version has to be 5.41 or higher! You can download and install the latest AutoMerge for MS CRM 2011 version from our download area at

To verify the current AutoMerge version, start “Install – AutoMerge for MS CRM 2011” from the start menu.

Figure 1: Verify current AutoMerge version

Following window appears. 

Figure 2: AutoMerge version number

2) Now you are ready to upgrade your MS CRM system to 2013     
Once you have finished upgrading MS CRM 2011 to MS CRM 2013 you have to download and install the latest DocumentsCorePack Server for MS CRM 2013 version. With the installation of DocumentsCorePack Server for MS CRM 2013 the addon is updated automatically and ready to use for MS CRM 2013. All your settings are of course the same as before! For more information please read our DocumentsCorePack Server and Client Installation Guide.

3) Install the new license     
AutoMerge for MS CRM 2013 needs a new license. Please contact to get your new license and install it with the LicenseManager.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

How to upgrade AttachmentExtractor for MS CRM 2011 to 2013

This article will show you how to prepare AttachmentExtractor for MS CRM 2011 for an update of your CRM system to 2013!

First of all, make sure that you have a valid addon-license for MS CRM 2013. NOTE: your actual AttachmentExtractor for MS CRM 2011 license is not valid for 2013. If you have a valid support contract, then you can order a new CRM 2013 license for free. For more information please contact our support-team

1) What to do before you upgrade your MS CRM system to 2013
IMPORTANT: in order to upgrade AttachmentExtractor for MS CRM 2011 to 2013, the current AttachmentExtractor version has to be 5.26 or higher! You can download and install the latest version from our download area at    

To verify the current AttachmentExtractor version, start “Installation – AttachmentExtrator for MS CRM 2011” from the start menu.

Figure 1: Verify current AttachmentExtractor version

Following window appears:
Figure 2: Current AttachmentExtractor version number

2) Now you are ready to upgrade your MS CRM system to 2013     
Once you have finished upgrading MS CRM 2011 to MS CRM 2013 you have to downloadthe latest AttachmentExtractor for MS CRM 2013 version. With the installation of AttachmentExtractor for MS CRM 2013 the addon is updated automatically and ready to use for MS CRM 2013. All your settings are of course the same as before! For more information please read our AttachmentExtractor Installation Guide.

3) Install the new license     
AttachmentExtractor for MS CRM 2013 needs a new license. Please contact to get your new license and install it with the LicenseManager.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

How to upgrade ActivityTools for MS CRM 2011 to 2013

This article will show you how to prepare ActivityTools for MS CRM 2011 for an update of your CRM system to 2013!

First of all, make sure that you have a valid addon-license for MS CRM 2013. NOTE: your actual ActivityTools for MS CRM 2011 license is not valid for 2013. If you have a valid support contract, then you can order a new CRM 2013 license for free. For more information please contact our support-team

1) What to do before you upgrade your MS CRM system to 2013
IMPORTANT: in order to upgrade ActivityTools for MS CRM 2011 to 2013, the current ActivityTools version has to be 5.44 or higher! You can download and install the latest version from our download area at

To verify the current ActivityTools version, start “Configuration – ActivityTools for MS CRM 2011” from the start menu.

Figure 1: Verify ActivityTools version

Following window appears:

Figure 2: Current ActivityTools version number

2) Now you are ready to upgrade your MS CRM system to 2013     
Once you have finished upgrading MS CRM 2011 to MS CRM 2013 you have to download the latest ActivityTools for MS CRM 2013 version. With the installation of ActivityTools for MS CRM 2013 the addon is updated automatically and ready to use for MS CRM 2013. All your settings are of course the same as before! For more information please read our ActivityTools Installation Guide.

3) Install the new license     
ActivityTools for MS CRM 2013 needs a new license. Please contact to get your new license and install it with the LicenseManager.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

How to upgrade GroupCalendar for MS CRM 2011 to 2013
This article will show you how to prepare GroupCalendar on-premise and online for MS CRM 2011 for an update of your CRM system to 2013!

First of all, make sure that you have a valid addon-license for MS CRM 2013. NOTE: your actual GroupCalendar for MS CRM 2011 license is not valid for 2013. If you have a valid support contract, then you can order a new CRM 2013 license for free. For more information please contact our support-team

1) What to do before you upgrade your MS CRM system to 2013
IMPORTANT: in order to upgrade GroupCalendar on-premise for MS CRM 2011 to 2013, the current GroupCalendar version has to be 5.61 or higher! You can download and install the latest version from our download area at

To verify the current GroupCalendar version, start “Configuration – GroupCalendar for MS CRM 2011” from the start menu.

Figure 1: Verfiy GroupCalendar version

Following window appears:

Figure 2: Current GroupCalendar version number 

2) Now you are ready to upgrade your MS CRM system to 2013     
Once you have finished upgrading MS CRM 2011 to MS CRM 2013 you have to download the latest GroupCalendar for MS CRM 2013 version. With the installation of GroupCalendar for MS CRM 2013 the addon is updated automatically and ready to use for MS CRM 2013. All your settings are of course the same as before! For more information please read our GroupCalendar Installation Guide.

3. Install the new license for GroupCalendar on premise and IFD
The GroucCalendar on premise and IFD for MS CRM 2013 need a new license. Please contact to get your new license and install it with the LicenseManager.

4. How to upgrade GroupCalendar online for MS CRM 2011 to 2013
Before you upgrade your MS CRM system to 2013, please consider following:

As soon as you have scheduled an appointment with Microsoft regarding the upgrade, please contact our support team and let us know. We will prepare the proper Windows Azure Server. After you have been successfully upgraded, please contact us so that we can upgrade your GroupCalendar to the CRM 2013 version. All your settings are of course the same as before. 

To ensure fully compatibility of your GroupCalendar online, please follow the post-update steps described in this article.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

How to upgrade DocumentsCorePack for MS CRM 2011 to 2013

This article will show you how to prepare DocumentsCorePack for MS CRM 2011 for an update of your CRM system to 2013!

First of all, make sure that you have a valid addon-license for MS CRM 2013. NOTE: your actual DocumentsCorePack for MS CRM 2011 license is not valid for 2013. If you have a valid support contract, then you can order a new CRM 2013 license for free. For more information please contact our support-team

1) What to do before you upgrade your MS CRM system to 2013
IMPORTANT: in order to upgrade DocumentsCorePack for MS CRM 2011 to 2013, the current DocumentsCorePack Server version has to be 5.44 or higher!
The DocumentsCorePack Client version has to be 5.94 or higher! 

You can download and install the latest version from our download area at     
DocumentsCorePack Server version number
To verify the current DocumentsCorePack Server version number, start “Configuration – DocumentsCorePack Server for MS CRM 2011” from the start menu.

Figure 1: Verify DocumentsCorePack Server version

Following window appears:

Figure 2: Current DocumentsCorePack Server version number 

DocumentsCorePack Client version number
To verify the current DocumentsCorePack Client version number, start MS Word, click on the “”-tab and open “DocumentsCorePack Settings”.

Figure 3: DocumentsCorePack Settings

In the settings window select the “About Documents Core Pack”–tab and you will see the version number. See next screenshot.

Figure 4: Current DocumentsCorePack Client version number

Please click here for more information about, how to verify the version number for each mscrm-addons product.

2) Now you are ready to upgrade your MS CRM system to 2013     
Once you have finished upgrading MS CRM 2011 to MS CRM 2013 you have to download the DocumentsCorePack Server for MS CRM 2013 version 6.8 and install it. After the installation of version 6.8 you can download the latest version and install it.
With the installation of DocumentsCorePack for MS CRM 2013 the addon is updated automatically and ready to use for MS CRM 2013. All your settings are of course the same as before! For more information please read our DocumentsCorePack Installation Guides.

3) Install the new license
The DocumentsCorePack for MS CRM 2013 needs a new license. Please contact to get your new license and install it with the LicenseManager.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

How to upgrade TelephoneIntegration for MS CRM 2011 to 2013

This article will show you how to prepare TelephoneIntegration for MS CRM 2011 for an update of your CRM system to 2013!

First of all, make sure that you have a valid addon-license for MS CRM 2013. NOTE: your actual TelephoneIntegration for MS CRM 2011 license is not valid for 2013. If you have a valid support contract, then you can order a new CRM 2013 license for free. For more information please contact our support-team

1) What to do before you upgrade your MS CRM system to 2013
IMPORTANT: in order to upgrade TelephoneIntegration for MS CRM 2011 to 2013, the current TelephoneIntegration Server version has to be 5.35 or higher!

The TelephoneIntegration Client version has to be 5.62 or higher!

You can download and install the latest versions from our download area at

TelephoneIntegration Server version number

To verify the current TelephoneIntegration Server version number, start “Configuration – TelephoneIntegration for MS CRM 2011” from the start menu: 

Figure 1: Verify TelephoneIntegration version

Following window appears:

Figure 2: Current TelephoneIntegration Server version number

TelephoneIntegration Client version number
To verify the current TelephoneIntegration Client version number, right- click on the TelephoneIntegration icon in the taskbar:

Figure 3: TI Icon in the taskbar

This action will open the TelephoneIntegration Ballon. The TelephoneIntegration Client version number can be found on the head of the Ballon. 

Figure 4: TI balloon

Please click here for more information about, how to verify the version number for each mscrm-addons product.

2) Now you are ready to upgrade your MS CRM system to 2013      
Once you have finished upgrading MS CRM 2011 to MS CRM 2013 you have to download the latest TelephoneIntegration for MS CRM 2013 versions. With the installation of TelephoneIntegration for MS CRM 2013 the addon is updated automatically and ready to use for MS CRM 2013. All your settings are of course the same as before! For more information please read our TelephoneIntegration Guides.

3) Install the new license
The TelephoneIntegration for MS CRM 2013 needs a new license. Please contact to get your new license and isntall it with the LicenseManager.  

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

MSCRM Addons 2011 – Version Number Guide

This article describes how to find out the version number for each mscrm-addons product.

To verify the current ActivityTools version number, start “Configuration – ActivityTools for MS CRM 2011” from the start menu.

Figure 1: Verify version number

Following window appears:

Figure 2: Current ActivityTools version number

To verify the current AttachmentExtractor version number, start “Installation– AttachmentExtractor for MS CRM 2011” from the start menu.

Figure 3: Verify version number

Following window appears:

Figure 4: Current AttachmentExtractor version number 

To verify the current AutoMerge version number, start “Install – AutoMerge for MS CRM 2011” from the start menu.

Figure 5: Verify version number

Following window appears:

Figure 6: Current AutoMerge version number

DocumentsCorePack Server
To verify the current DocumentsCorePack Server version number, start “Configuration – DocumentsCorePack Server for MS CRM 2011” from the start menu.

Figure 7: Verify version number

Following window appears:

Figure 8: Current DocumentsCorePack Server version number

DocumentsCorePack Client
To verify the current DocumentsCorePack Client version number, start MS Word, click on the “”-tab and open “DocumentsCorePack Settings”.

Figure 9: DocumentsCorePack settings

In the settings window select the “About Documents Core Pack”–tab and you will see the version number. 

Figure 10: Verify version number

To verify the current GroupCalendar version number, start “Configuration – GroupCalendar for MS CRM 2011” from the start menu.

Figure 11: Verify version number

Following window appears:

Figure 12: Current GroupCalendar version number

To verify the current PowerSearch version number, start “Configuration PowerSearch – for MS CRM 2011” from the start menu.

Figure 13: Verify version number

Following window appears:

Figure 14: Current version number for PowerSearch

To verify the current RecordCounter version number, start “Configuration RecordCounter– for MS CRM 2011” from the start menu.

Figure 15: Verify version number

Following window appears:

Figure 16: Current RecordCounter version number

TelephoneIntegration Server
To verify the current TelephoneIntegration Server version number, start “Configuration – TelephoneIntegration Server for MS CRM 2011” from the start menu.

Figure 17: Verify version number

Following window appears.

Figure 18: Current TelephoneIntegration Server version number

TelephoneIntegration Client
Click on the TelephoneIntegration icon in the taskbar.

This action will open the TelephoneIntegration Ballon. The TelephoneIntegration Client version number can be found on the head of the Ballon. (See screenshot below, highlighted in yellow)

Figure 19: Verify version number

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

How to upgrade PowerSearch for MS CRM 2011 to 2013

This article will show you how to prepare PowerSearch for MS CRM 2011 for an update of your CRM system to 2013!

First of all, make sure that you have a valid add-on license for MS CRM 2013. NOTE: your actual PowerSearch for MS CRM 2011 license is not valid for 2013. If you have a valid support contract, then you can order a new CRM 2013 license for free. For more information please contact our support-team

1) What to do before you upgrade your MS CRM system to 2013
IMPORTANT: in order to upgrade PowerSearch for MS CRM 2011 to 2013, the current PowerSearch version has to be 5.41 or higher! You can download and install the latest version from our download area at

To verify the current PowerSearch version, start “Configuration – PowerSearch for MS CRM 2011” from the start menu.

Figure 1: Verify version number

Following window appears. 

Figure 2: Current PowerSearch version number

2) Now you are ready to upgrade your MS CRM system to 2013     
Once you have finished upgrading MS CRM 2011 to MS CRM 2013 you have to download the latest PowerSearch for MS CRM 2013 version. With the installation of PowerSearch for MS CRM 2013 the addon is updated automatically and ready to use for MS CRM 2013. All your settings are of course the same as before! For more information please read our PowerSearch Installation Guide.

3) Install the new license     
The PowerSearch for MS CRM 2013 needs a new license. Please contact to get your new license and install it with the LicenseManager.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

Get ready for MS CRM 2013 Orion

As the new Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Orion expected to be released soon, we would like to provide you with some important information.

At the moment we are very busy working on our addons to make them ready for MS CRM 2013. All addons except the RecordCounter will be available for CRM 2013 soon. See the details below:       

addon on-premise online
ActivityTools yes not yet
AttachmentExtractor yes yes
AutoMerge yes yes
DocumentsCorePack yes yes
GroupCalendar yes yes*1
PowerSearch yes yes
RecordCounter*2 not yet not yet
TelephoneIntegration yes yes

*1 To upgrade GroupCalendar for MS CRM 2013 online our support team needs to know the date you want to change to MS CRM 2013 online. We will prepare the proper Windows Azure Server for your changes.       
*2 We are developing a replacement product for RecordCounter for CRM 2013. The process will take some time. We will inform you as soon as the new RecordCounter is available.

To get ready to upgrade for CRM 2013 version you have to consider following:
- please make sure that you have a valid support-contract
- the latest addon-version has to be installed.
- our team is working at the beta-versions of our addons. Click here to download the first beta-version of DocumentsCorePack for CRM 2013! IMPORTANT: Do not install this versions in production environments!

As soon as the official CRM 2013 Version is released, we will provide you with detailed information for each addon.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

The "Insert QR-Code"-button in Open Office XML template (.docx)

This article outlines, how to use the "Insert as QR Code"-fields functionality within the "Insert"-button in Open Office XML template (.docx).

This functionality allows you to: 

a) insert QR-code fields in your Office Open XML (.docx) and to
b) change QR-code settings after saving the document 

AddonDocumentsCorePack v5.94. For detailed product information, please visit our product page


Figure 1: Inserted QR Code in template

For more information about QR-codes please click here. Click here to read more about the functionalities of the “Insert”-button.

HOW TO: a) Insert QR-code field, step-by-step description

The “Insert as QR Code”-function is available on every selected template type and for every inserted field.

1. Open the "DocumentsCorePack Task Pane"
You can find the new function in the “DocumentsCorePack Task Pane”. To get there, please open an existing or create a new template. Click on “Insert MailMerge Fields” in the toolbar and create a “Office Open XML (.docx)“-document by answering the question with [Yes]. 

Figure 2: Open DCP Task Pane

The “DocumentsCorePack Task Pane” appears:

2. Select type and required Insert-functionality 

Figure 2: DCP Task Pane

Choose the required type in the “Select type”-dropdown box in our example “Quote”. Next click on the drop-down button within the [Insert]-button and choose the “Insert as QR Code”-function. Following window appears:

Figure 3: Field properties

Now the required QR-code field(s) can be inserted with a double-click. NOTE: The displayed tree contains the same fields as you have choosen before in the “DocumentsCorePack Task Pane” under “Select type”. If you want to insert e.g.: account related fields, close the “field properties”-window displayed above, go back to the “DocumentsCorePack Task Pane” and choose "account".

3. Insert QR Code-fields
You can insert as many fields as you want. Fields are displayed with angle brackets and  separated with a “+”-sign in between. E.g.: <>+<

Additionally you have also the possibility to specify the name of the QR-code as follows:

4. Specify QR Code-name 
This setting predefines the name of the QR-code generated with this template. As mentioned above its possible to use data from fields out of CRM to be part of the QR-code name. With this it is possible to generate the QR-code-name dynamically, based on constant characters and/or values of fields.

Constant characters have to be in single quotes.
To use field values in the QR-code-name you have to choose the fields as described above or write the fieldname (schemaname) surrounded by <>. Some examples:

QR-code-name possible QR-code-name results
'quote-'+<>.pos(4,5) quote-12345
<>+'-'+<> TestCompany-QUO-12345-KWKJQ6

It is important that the inverted commas are also set!
".pos(x,y)" will insert y signs from the xth position.
".left(x)" will insert the first x – signs
".right(x)" will insert the last x signs of the string

Afterwards all the selected types and fields will now be inserted as a QR Code:

Figure 4: Inserted QR Code in template

Now the template with the QR Code is ready and can be saved and merged with data from CRM (you can do this by clicking on the “Choose CRM Data”-button in your tab). The QR-code can be a link, a visit-card-contact, contact, product information… etc.

NOTE: The information that the QR-code contains has to be plain text information!

HOW TO: b) Change QR-code settings

QR-code settings can be changed by clicking on the [Field properties]-button in the 

· Type: shows the inserted field type. In our case it is “qrcode”.
· Name: shows the name of the inserted field.
· QR Code Level: shows the displayed level of the QR-Code. The default-setting detects the smallest value. If e.g.: the value of this option is set with 5 with a maximum sign-length of 108, then only 108 signs will be displayed. All the signs which exceeds this maximum length is cut. By clicking on the dropdown-button the level can be set from 1-20.
· Max Length: shows the maximum length of the information the QR-code contains. The maximal length changes automatically with the chosen QR-code level.

IMPORTANT: It is recommended to choose the default value to ensure that the information is resolved properly! Standard QR-code readers are able to dissolve the QR-code properly if the level has a maximul value 8. Otherwise the QR-code reader has to provide a higher quality.

· ERROR Correction: defines the capacity and fault tolerance of the QR-code. The value shows the amount that can be restored in percent. Please find in the list below the common level.

Capacity of the different error correction levels:

Level L   7 % of the code words/data can be recovered
Level M 15 % of the code words/data can be recovered
Level Q 25 % of the code words/data can be recovered
Level H 30 % of the code words/data can be recovered

IMORTANT: It is recommended to choose the default value. Otherwise data may be lost by trying to resolve the code!

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to