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How to save a document to SharePoint with DocumentsCorePack

This blog article outlines how to save a document to SharePoint with DocumentsCorePack. This step-by-step tutorial shows you how to connect SharePoint with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and how to create SharePoint folders automatically. 


1. Make sure to integrate SharePoint with Dynamics 365: 
This section outlines how to integrate SharePoint with Dynamics 365. It is valid for CRM 2013 and higher. 

Step 1:  Please open the Document Management Settings. To do so, please navigate to Settings > Document Management and select the Document Management Settings, highlighted in yellow in the figure below.

Step 2: Select the entities you want to create SharePoint folders for and enter a SharePoint site. This site will be used as the default site for document management. 

Step 3: Simply follow the instructions in the next window in order to create a folder structure based on a certain entity and click on the [Next]-button to proceed. 

Step 4: The next window provides you with the document library creation status and details. Click on the [Finish]-button in order to finish the setup.   

2. Make sure to activate SharePoint on DocumentsCorePack:

Open the Dynamics 365 Settings > DocumentsCorePack > General Settings and make sure that a SharePoint user is specified.

In the DocumentsCorePack Server configuration make sure SharePoint is activated as you can see in the figure below.

In the service, configuration please activate SharePoint and specify a SharePoint user as you can see in the figure below. 

In workflows, in the “MSCRM-ADDONS AutoMergeWorkingItem” set the “Save Only Into Temp” to “NO”.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

Step-by-Step: How to set up lookup-prompts for relations

Step-by-Step: How to set up lookup-prompts for relations

This blog article covers a step-by-step example of how to set up user-prompts in DocumentsCorePack Template Designer. 

With this special version of the prompts feature you have the possibility to select one or multiple related records while generating the document.

The following steps contain a description of how to set up such prompts in your templates. 

Step1: Open the Relationship
This special version of the prompt is defined within the relationship designer.
To access it, please navigate to 
❶ "Insert MailMerge Fields" to open the DocumentsCorePack Task pane. Go to ❷ "Additional" and select  "Edit".

Within the “Records to show“ section, you can find three options. “Show all records“, “ Show a lookup window to select a single row“ and “Show a lookup window to select multiple rows“.



Step 2: Define the lookup prompt
Before you can create the prompt you have to select the base behavior of the relation.


Show all records
By selecting this option, all related records will be displayed and there is no need for a prompt.


Show a lookup window to select a single row

In this case, you have to select one row instead of displaying all related records.

Show a lookup window to select multiple rows
Here, you have to select one or multiple rows instead of displaying all related records.


Whatever lookup option matches with your needs the next step is to define a label.

Step 3: Define a Label
To do so, please click the [Add/Update Labels]-button.

Each option requires at least one label. A label is a text that is displayed in the DocumentsCorePack Dialog in front of the actual control. If a label for the current user language in Dynamics 365 is set this translation will be displayed. If there is no label that matches the current user's language, the first one in the list is displayed. 

After you have set up the label, you are able to use your Template. 

Step 4: Save your template
Before you can use or test your template, you have to save it. Use the “Save template”-option of the DocumentsCorePack Client in order to publish the template to Dynamics 365. 

Step 5: Generate the Document

While generating the document you will be prompted to select one related record.



Please note: Prompts do not work with the Template Designer, only by using the DocumentsCorePack Server Dialog  ("Create Document").


That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to



SharePoint Redirecting

AttachmentExtractor v.2017.21 and newer support redirecting the SharePoint access to a different server.

All Attachments moved to Sharepoint are saved as a link in Dynamics CRM. If you are moving to a new Sharepoint, AE can redirect the Sharepoint access for its AccessOnDemand-plugins to a different server.

To enable this behavior, you need to manually create a setting for the AttachmentExtractor product as described here (Link)

Name: SharepointRedirects

Value: A pipe (|) separated pair of strings defining the original Sharepoint location and the replacement one.

Example:  https://old_sharepoint|https:/new_sharepoint

 If required, multiple redirects can be defined, separated by semicolons (;)

Example:  https://old_sharepoint/account|https:/new_sharepoint/account;https://old_sharepoint/contact|https:/new_sharepoint/other_contact


  • This does NOT move the actual files on SharePoint, but only redirects the links saved in CRM, when using the retrieve plugins of AttachmentExtractor.
  • Multiple redirects are evaluated in order of definition and will stop on the first match


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How to add GroupCalendar to the Sitemap

This article outlines how to add your GroupCalendar to the Sitemap.

Per default GroupCalendar tries to add the application to the "Sales" area.
If you do not have this Area, you can add the GroupCalendar manually, here is how to do that:



Navigate to: CRM > Settings > Customizations >  Customize the System

Click on it and a new Window opens. Navigate further to Client Extensions > Site Map



Do a double click on it and the sitemap designer opens.




Select a Area (in grey row with arrow) and a Group (Column) where you want to add the GroupCalendar.

Mark the last entry (e.g. Powersearch).

Please note:
If there is no entry marked, you can not go to the next step!!



In the windows left side (corner on top) you can find the [Add]-Button.

Select "Subarea" in the Menue and a new entry next to PowerSearch appears.




Mark "New Subarea" and press the pencil to edit. Now the right side of the window changes.


Please enter the following parameters:


Type = Web Ressource 

URL  = ptm_WebApplicationPreloaderGroupCalendar

Title = GroupCalendar

Icon = ptm_Icon32x32_White.png


3. Save and publish your new SiteMap


That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to


How to repair DocumentsCorePack Client using the DCP Diagnostics Tool

This article outlines how to repair a DocumentsCorePack Client using the Diagnostics Tool.

Please navigate to the installation path of DocumentsCorePack Client, for example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\PTM EDV-Systeme GmbH\Documents Core Pack Client for Dynamics 365 

In there, run the "DCPDiagnostics.exe" tool with right click "Open as administrator"(IMPORTANT), in the "Diagnostics" tab, click on "Repair" once.


Afterward, close and restart Word and DCP once.

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DateTime Field (Dynamics 365)

This blog outlines how the DateTime option allows you to perform basic calculations with dates. You can add a certain amount of time to an existing date, or you can calculate the difference between two given dates. The following step by step description will show you how to insert a field of this type into your template.

We are glad to introduce the DateTime field with the DocumentsCorePack Client version 9.22 and DocumentsCorePack Server version 2017.174.

Step by step description
This description outlines how to add a DateTime field into a DCP template by using the given insert options.

This feature can only be used within DCP templates, so please open your existing template or create a new one before using this feature. (Here is a blog that explains how to create a new template)

 Step 1 - Open the [Insert fields] dialog
After you successfully opened your template we can start to take a closer look at the modified Insert dialog. So please open the [insert fields]-button and navigate to the “Computed items”-Section .

Within that section, you should be able to spot the new [DateTime Field]-button .


Step 2 - The DateTime field dialog
Please click on the [DateTime Field]-Button to open up the DateTime dialog.
This Dialog gives you the possibility to specify your DateTime field based on the given options.


Step 3 - build your calculation
Add your DateTime calculation to the pattern field.
The syntax for this field is described here
In our Case, we will add 5 days to the due date of a Quote.

PLEASE NOTE: The layout of the dialog will change dependent on your used syntax.

You have the option to insert any field even if it is not a DateTime field. Please do this at your own risk. 

 Step 4 - add a placeholder text [optional]
Setup a placeholder text.
You can set a placeholder name  for your field so you find it easier in case you have to modify your template in the future.

PlaceholderFigure 4: Placeholder

Step 5 - add formatting options
Since we have our Syntax configured we would like to define a format.
This could be done by selecting one of the given options in the Unit Type or the Format and Culture Dropdown.

The dialog provides us with different options for “DateTime“ ❶ and “Difference”  (subtraction of 2 dates) results. 

Based on this type we will have one of the two following dialogs.


Step 6 - insert the field
Now we have successfully defined our DateTime-field and by clicking on [ok] it will be inserted into the Document. 


Step 7 - save the template
The last and final step is to save your template.
Before you can use or test your template you have to save it.
Either you save your template locally with the standard Save or Save as functionality of Word or you use the Save template-option of the DocumentsCorePack client in order to publish the template to Dynamics 365.

Test your template [optional]
As you have made changes to your template you might want to test them quickly.


 A step by step description of how to test your template can be found here.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

DocumentsCorePack DateTime Field Syntax (Dynamics 365)

The DateTime Field option of DocumetnsCorePack allows you to perform basic calculations on dates and times. This article describes the syntax that can be used for those calculations.

  1. The basic syntax
    Fields from Dynamics are enclosed by << and >> when you insert them from the treeview.


  2. The difference between two dates can be subtracted by using a '-'


  3. Functions on a date can be executed by adding a dot (.) and the function name including the necessary parameters. 


  4. Supported functions and operators
    Operator Name Sign 

    Function Description   Examples
     Add(value, unit) Adds a numeric value to the current date.
    The first parameter represents the numeric value that should be added.
    The second parameter represents the unit. 
    Parameters for units are either: year, month, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds

     Subtract(value, unit) Subtracts a numeric value form the current date.
    The first parameter represents the numeric value that should be subtracted.
    The second parameter represents the unit. 
    Parameters for units are either: year, month, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds  

     Addbusinessdays(value)    Adds a certain amount of days to the current date.
    Weekends (Saturday and Sunday) are excluded from this calculation.

     Round(unit, direction) Round allows you to modify a time value to the next or previous quarter, half or full hour.
    The first parameter can display a quarter, half or full hour. 
    The second parameter represents the direction. (up/down)
     DATETIME() This call returns the current date and can be used as field followed with any of the above methode calls.   DATETIME().add(5,days)

Please Note: You can not join several functions calls. If you would like to added days and months please always use the lowest unit for your call.
e.g. 1 Month and 15 Days would be 45 Days 

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DocumentsCorePack Solution update Error - AutoMergeGlobalButton

This blog article is relevant for you if you get the following error message during the update to the AutoMergeGlobalButton Solution version 2017.38/2018.38 or higher:

FAILURE: The RibbonRule(f146d12c-f718-e611-80fb-5065f38a7a11) component cannot be deleted because it is referenced by 2 other components.

OR if the update was successful, but you get the following error on page load or on [Create Document]-button click:


If this happens on a “Service Activity” record, please check the section “For Service Activity”.




We have changed the enable rules of the [Create Document]-button to make different improvements. If you have not customized the DCP button manually you will not have any problems.

But if you have modified the [Create Document]-button (e.g. via RibbonWorkBench) you will get the above errors.

The reason for that is that due to your custom change a copy of the old XML structure has been created (e.g. in order to add custom display rules to the button) and the update fails because a reference to the old XML structure exists.


How to solve it
First, find out for which entities changes were made (you can skip this step if you know which entities are affected):

To do so open the dependency dialog for the “AutoMergeGlobalButton” solution as described in this blog article.


[YOUR CRM URL]/tools/dependency/dependencyviewdialog.aspx?objectid=[GUID OF AMGLOBALBUTTON SOLUTION]&objecttype=7100&operationtype=dependenciesforuninstall


In this example the changes were only made for the quote entity (Just entities depended on the “Application Ribbons” are relevant):



Next, check the changes for these entities. In this case for the quote entity. This can be done via a manual solution export of the entity ribbon or via the RibbonWorkBench. In this example, we use the RibbonWorkBench. When we open it for the quote entity, it shows the following changes:


It is recommended to create a backup of the Ribbon XML first.


Then remove all elements which are related to the [Create Document]-button. The IDs of all of them start with “MSCRMADDONS” (see highlighted above). This can be done by right-clicking -> Delete.

In detail this means that you remove your custom changes which have been made on the MSCRM-ADDONS ribbon elements. Once done the button is reset to the out of the box behavior.


After publishing these changes the problem should be solved.


Please note: It could also be possible that this change has been made on Organization1 and has been migrated to Organization2 via a managed solution. In this case, this has to be changed or removed in that migration solution.


Problems in Dynamics 365 Online version 9.1: We have noticed the no buttons which were added via the RibbonWorkBench or via any other unmanaged way cannot be undone.

It behaves like follows: You remove the ribbon elements via the RibbonWorkBench and publish it. Everything seems fine, but when you reload the RibbonWorkBench you notice that all elements are here again.

This is a global CRM problem and happens for CRM default buttons as well.

Please contact Microsoft support to fix this.


For Service Activity

If this happens on a “Service Activity” record and you have the “AutoMergeGlobalButtonExtension” solution version 2015.2 or lower installed, please update to the 2015.3 version.

Download the solution via this link:  DownLoadLinkToSolutionInTheFolder

Open Dynamics 365 -> Settings -> Solutions -> hit “Import” -> select the zip solution file and follow the wizard.


Still not working

If you followed the above steps but the update does still not work, please send us the following information:


That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

How to merge a document and start an in-person signing process

This blog article outlines how to merge a document with Adobe Sign and start an in-person signing process. With the in-person signing, a host facilitates an Adobe Sign session. The host must be an Adobe Sign account holder and the signers are only required to be with the host in order to sign documents.

In this example, we create a document and use therefore a template which contains one signer. The result can look like in the figure below: 


Therefore follow the steps below: 

Step 1: Create document via DCP Dialog
First, open your Dynamics 365 and search the entity you want to create a document for – in this example Work Order. Next, please hit the [CREATE DOCUMENT]-button which opens the DocumentsCorePack Dialog as you can see below. 


Here, please select the template you want to execute – in this case WorkOrder_Template.docx.

Step 2: Define how your document should be executed
In this example, we want the document to be attached, so please check the Attach document checkbox and select as Adobe Sign email from the drop-down menu. Check the In-person signing checkbox and your recipient and the e-mail address from the drop-down menu.

Please note: The recipient should be the person (the host - explained at the beginning)  who is required to be with the signer in order to sign the document. Click on [Next] to continue.


Step 3: Check your document before you forward it to Adobe Sign
Therefore, please click on the attachment, highlighted in yellow. 


This opens a preview of your document. As you can see, there are two Adobe Sign text tags: one for the initials and one at the bottom of your document for the signature (highlighted in yellow).


If your document is fine, please click [Finish] to attach the document as Adobe Sign mail.

Step 4: Review and sign document
Now you are able to open the document directly from the DCP Dialog, as you can see in the figure below. 


But also, an e-mail has been sent to the host who is required to be with the signer in order to sign the document (see figure below). With a click on the blue text “Click here to review and sign”, the document opens in a browser to be signed. 


As you can see in the figure below, the document is now ready to be signed. After the singer sings the document, the host has to hit the [Click to Sign]-button at the bottom of the page.


This action will finish the process and a copy of the signed document will be sent to all parties (see figure below). 


Step 5: Signed document ready for download 
Hit the blue text “the document” in the received e-mail to open the signed document. 


In the so opened window in your browser, you can see all details, the steps of the process and the document, which now contains both signatures. Click on PDF to download your signed document. 


Congratulations! You have signed your first Adobe Sign document using in-person signing. 


That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to