- Blog


This blog is deprecated since July 2020.The articles below are no longer maintained and might contain outdated information. 
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Hello and welcome to our blog! What can we do for you? Are you looking for further technical information or step-by-step instructions to our products? Or would you like to read the latest news on mscrm-addons? Please feel free to browse our blog for detailed information and to share our posts!

Alex's Blog

How do I set a color-code range for SmartBar buttons?

With version 2016.112 we introduce some major features for SmartBar, which allow a smoother handling of count/color based buttons and an easier handling of multiple views. For further information on how to add navigation buttons to system views, have a look at this article


Count/colour based buttons

With version 2016.112 or higher, it is possible to color code SmartBar buttons and to set a range on SmartBar buttons. 

The result looks like this. You may add as many buttons as you wish. However, the button's range must be set in an ascending order. 

CreatemultipartXML: Concatenate documents (advanced)

This article outlines how to concatenate documents on an advanced level based on CreatemultipartXML.

Step 1:
First of all, please create a new workflow. If you haven't created a workflow yet, please have a look at this article. Next, add a new step to your workflow, called CreateMultiPartXml.

You are now provided with the properties overview.

There are3 possible ways to add files here that should be concatenated.

1) Create a new file based on a document: failed to import

This blog article outlines how to handle this error message when importing MSCRMADDONScomGeneralzip failed to import.

If you see this error message, please import the solution manually. To do so, follow the below steps:

1) Navigate to Settings in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 application and open the Solutions with a click on it. 

2) Click on the [Import Solutions]-button in order to open the Select Solution Package-window.

3) The Select Solution Package-window opens. Click on the [Browse]-button and import your required solution.

After the manual import: Should you still receive an error message, please send a screenshot of that error message to our support team.


That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email

AttachmentExtractor Revert Button in ActivityToolsPluginExtension

This article outlines how to use the retrieve once extracted .url files with the AttachmentExtractor [Revert]-Button.

Requirements: AttachmentExtractor (for further information on AttachmentExtractor, click here)
                           ActivityToolsPluginExtension solution (learn more about this solution here)​

Please note, that the [Revert]-button is only visible if you work with an e-Mail in draft mode and and if a .url file has been attached previously. 

For example: Imagine, you have extracted an e-Mail attachment to, e.g. SharePoint via AttachmentExtractor a few weeks ago. Now imagine, you would like to forward this particular e-Mail with the previously extracted attachment. To do so, you will only have to press the [Revert]-Button (see figure 1) and you will be able to forward the e-Mail including all previously extracted files. Please note that all non-.url-files will be left untouched. 

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How to concatenate documents (Online)

This article outlines how to concatenate different documents in one single document in DocumentsCorePack Online. 
Using the concatenate step, we can combine two or more documents and can thus create - independent of file format or properties of the document - a single Word document that contains all concatenated documents. If you haven't created a workflow in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online yet, please have a look at this article.    

After you have created two or more documents you would like to concatenate, you may want to give your newly created step  a name that reminds you of what it contains. Second, click on the [Set Properties]-button  in order to define the steps’ settings. 

The next window provides you with the ConcatenateDocument Properties.

Figure 2: Create AutoMerge Working item 

The ConcatenateDocument properties provide the following possibilities:

 Name & AutoMergeAction
Please name the AutoMergeWorkingItem, e.g. Concatenate Quote 1 and 2. 
In the AutoMergeAction field, please select what you would like to do with this workflow (in this case 'Concatenate')

 Document1Guid & Document2Guid 
Document1Guid: This lookup provides the possibility to select the document which should be concatenated. You can select an existing document by clicking on the lookup button, but you can as well use a document created in this workflow before (as it is shown in this example).
Document2Guid: Offering the same functionalities like Document1Guid, this is the Document GUID for the second document you want to concatenate.

 UpdateFields & OutPutFileFormat
UpdateFields: Check true if you want to make sure that all the Word fields are updated once again after the merge process.
OutPutFileFormatThis option enables you to define the output file format for the result document.  

 Owner & PrimaryRecordUrl
Owner: Optionally, you can enter an owner of the document here.
PrimaryRecordUrl: In this document, you can enter a PrivmaryRecordURL if you would like to by using the Form Assistant on the right side. Please find more information on the PrimaryRecordUrl functionality, please have a look at this article

❺ CombineType
You can use the CombineType to specify how document B will be inserted in document A. 

The following values are available for CombineType:

CombineType = 0 
The formatting of document A will be applied to document B. 

CombineType = 1
The formatting will be retained. 

CombineType = 2
Does the same as CombineType = 0. In addition, the link to the previous section will be disconnected here (disconnects your header or footer from the header or footer in the previous section).

CombineType = 3
Does the same as CombineType = 1. In addition, the link to the previous section will be disconnected here (disconnects your header or footer from the header or footer in the previous section).

CombineType = 99
The content of document B will be inserted at the end. 

Please notice: You have to fill in a CombineType - otherwise, there will be an error. 

[OPTIONALLY: If you want to concatenate more than two documents, simply repeat the above steps. As for the sequence: If you create a new step, the already concatenated documents will always be the first in line. All further documents will be concatenated in a consecutive order.] 

❻ [Save and Close]-button
Once you have finished, do not forget to save your changes! 

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to



You have to fill in the field CombineType, otherwise there will be an error
You have to fill in the field CombineType, otherwise there will be an error

In addition, the link to the previous section is deactivated here.
In addition, the link to the previous section is deactivated here.
In addition, the link to the previous section is deactivated here.
In addition, the link to the previous section is deactivated here.
In addition, the link to the previous section is deactivated here.
In addition, the link to the previous section is deactivated here.
In addition, the link to the previous section is deactivated here.
In addition, the link to the previous section is deactivated here.
In addition, the link to the previous section is deactivated here.

How do I create dates with ordinals with DocumentsCorePack field properties?

Ordinal numbers are words representing position or rank in a sequential order. The order may be of size, importance, chronology, or else. These numbers may be written in English with numerals and letter suffixes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th etc. Because ordinal numbers can be an important part of documents, we have created a possibility to add ordinal numbers to templates. This step-by-step tutorial describes how to utilize an already prepared field function in your template(s) in order to place ordinals. 

Please note: This article requires an already created template. If you haven't created a template yet, please have a look at this article.  The attached document is as well a template that can be merged with an account. If you haven't merged a template yet, please have a look at this article

Ordinal numbers template  

Step 1: Enable the field codes of your template

Open your template. If you are not seeing the field codes in this template, simply hit 'ALT'+'F9' on your keyboard to toggle the view. General information about field codes can be found here.

Step 2: Delete the current field used

Place your cursor in the <<createdon_ovalue>> and hit “delete field” in our ribbon.
This is how the <<createdon_ovalue>> looks like once it is extended:

Step 3: Copy the whole block an past it into your template 
Copy the block from the actual attached document only. Just copy  and pasting the above text will not work!

Step 4: Insert a field of your choice
Now replace the <<createdon_ovalue>> field by a field of your choice. You could add a data field or any other numeric field from the Template Designer TreeView. In this case, only the day is displayed. 

Step 5: Open the field properties
Next, please open the field properties with a right click and insert a 'd' into the Format field. 

Figure 1: Field properties

Please note: Sometimes, it can be necessary to add the month and year after the ordinal as well. In that case, simply add another date field again behind the ordinal and insert the required field properties. Learn how to insert fields here.  As the day is already represented as ordinal, you only have to apply a format that displays the month and year (For example, MMMM yyyy). Get more information on how to custom date and time formats here

For all the hardcore geeks who would like to get more information about the technical background of the function, please have a look at this article

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to


How to integrate SharePoint with CRM and MS Dynamics 365

This article outlines how to integrate SharePoint with CRM. It is valid for CRM 2013 and higher. This step-by-step tutorial shows you how to connect SharePoint with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and how to create SharePoint folders automatically. 

Step 1: Please open the Document Management Settings. To do so, navigate to Settings > Document Management and click on Document Mangement Settings. 

Recap: eXtreme365 in Lisbon

There are no strangers here; only friends you haven’t met yet.
- William Butler Yeats

This year's eXtreme365 was really an eXtreme event. Open for partners and customers for the very first time in history, the event had more attendees than ever before. The atmosphere at eXtreme365 was perfect, which was not only due to the well selected 5-star location, but also to the excellent speakers and truly informative sessions.

Figure 1: eXtreme365 logo and beautiful Lisbon

There is no such town for an event like Lisbon - the picturesque, ever-changing and vibrant city reflects the spirit of Microsoft Dynamics 365 like no other.

Figure 2: Lisbon - photo gallery  

Amazing keynote speakers, small group sessions, gripping speeches and lots of networking opportunities converted this event into a Microsoft Dynamics 365 festival.
It was really great to hear, that Microsoft will focus on AppSource, because since its launch, our add-ons are represented on AppSource. We know the platform as the
perfect market for our solutions.  

Figure 3: eXtreme365 - Photo Gallery  

Also, we had the chance to present our solutions and ideas in front of a responsive audience. Michael Dohr outlined excellently why working with partners it the key to success. He highlighted the values and benefits of our partner network, as well as the main advantages of our solutions for Microsoft Dynamics 365. 

Figure 4: ISV-session on partner success 

All in all, the event was a complete success for partners and customers. 

That's it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an e-Mail to scheduler error handling

If the scheduler does not work probably, you usually get an e-mail with an included link that starts with


The link contains further information about the scheduler entity that has been harmed. In order to find out what is wrong, please click on 'Details' and look at the 'Debug message'-field and the 'Message'-field at the bottom of the scheduler. If the left one is empty, it is OK. The right one is filled anyway. If an error message is displayed in both fields, your fetch or workflow is incorrect. In that case, please copy the information from both fields and send an e-Mail to

Figure 1: scheduler with error message


Please note: If you do not get an e-Mail with the error-message, you must open the scheduler manually. To do so, please follow this blog article (but do not activate the scheduler) and please proceed as above shown. 

Furthermore, you have the possibility to check the background processes. To do so, please open the drop-down menu and click on Background Processes in the Process Sessions-section. 

Figure 2: Open the Background Processes


Next, open the scheduler process from the list you are provided with. 

Figure 3: Open the scheduler


In the so opened window, you get some further information about the scheduler error. 

Please note: If the window is empty, the scheduler will not work anymore, no matter what you do. 
In that case, the only possible way to solve the problem, is to create a new scheduler with the same values and to check if the background processes are available in the newly created scheduler. Also, please delete the old scheduler. 

If the window looks similar to figure 4, please follow the below steps: 

Figure 4: Further information about the scheduler

If you get an error message again, please restart the process. 
If the problem continues, please click on Details to show the specific error message. 
Copy all information from the details field and send an e-Mail to

That's it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an e-Mail to

How to add the MS Word properties in DocumentsCorePack Client

This blog article outlines how to add the Microsoft Word properties for the DocumentsCorePack Client.

Usually, there is no need to activate additional properties for the DCP Client. However, there are some exceptional cases, when the additional MS Word properties must be activated. 

Please note: you must NOT change the MS Word properties without permission in this case. But if you have already got the permission from our support team or one of our developers, please follow the below instructions.​

First of all, please open the MS Word properties.
To do so, open the template you would like to add the MS Word field-properties and open the File-tab in the Microsoft Word CommandBar. 

Figure 1: Open the file-tab in MS Word

Next, click on the Properties-drop down menu ❶ in the Info-tab. Then, select Advanced Properties . And finally, insert the Name ❸ and Value ❹ of the property into the corresponding field and click on the [OK]-button. Please note: The values for the name-, as well as for the value-field, will be provided by our support team. 

Figure 2: Insert a new MS Word property

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