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Kokely Christoph
Kokely Christoph
Kokely Christoph's Blog

Display Issues with ActivityTools pre 5.26 and RU8

As a preparation of the now rescheduled cross browser compatiblity for RU8, older versions of ActivityTools already had preparations built in, which will cause the Activity & Queue preview to fail. Please update to the latest Version to fix this issue.

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Change Default settings for ActivityTool

ActivityTools default user settings can be predefined as follows:

Define the default settings for EmailPreview

Create a new settingskey called DefaultViewEmail as described here. 

The Value should look similar to this :


Explanation of values:

Value 203 (First option):
A flag collection of email states to display:

Draft = 1,           
Completed = 2,            
Sent = 4,            
Received = 8,            
Canceled = 16,            
PendingSend = 32,            
Sending = 64,            
Failed = 128

Calculate the sum of the states you want to display and change the
value accordingly (e.g. 255 for all states)

Value 50 (Second option)
Items displayed per page, available values are 10, 25, 50, 100

Value eListView (Third option)
Selects the default view.

Available options are :

eThreadedBySubject: Group by Subject
eThreadedByRegarding: Group By Regarding
eGroupByDate: Group By Date
eListView: ListView
eThreadedByRegardingNameAsc: Group By Regarding, Ascending by name
eThreadedByRegardingNameDesc: Group By Regarding, Decending by name
eThreadedBySubjectAsc: Group By Subject, Ascending by name
eThreadedBySubjectDesc: Group By Subject, Decending by name
eThreadedBySenderAsc: Group By Sender, Ascending by name
eThreadedBySenderDesc: Group By Sender, Decending by name
Group By Regarding, exclude items with no regarding

Value 127 (Fourth option):
A flag collection of email fields to search :

From = 1,            
To = 2,            
Subject = 4,            
Detail = 8,            
Regarding = 16,            
CC = 32,            
BCC = 64

Calculate the sum of the states you want to search and change the
value accordingly (e.g. 127 for all fields)

Value 30000 (Fifth Option):
Do not change

Value 30 (Sixth option):
TimeRange to show:

All = 0,
Today = 1
Week = 7
30 Days = 30
90 Days = 90
6 Month = 180
Year = 365

Other options:
Do not change

Define the default settings for ActivtyPreview

Create a new settingskey DefaultViewActivity

The Value should look similar to this:


Value "4202|4212|4206|4214|4210|4207|4208|4201|4204|4209|4406|4411|4402" 

First option

Pipe seperated Value List of activtyentitytypecodes to display, see CRM Documentation
for details on the typecodes.

All other options are identical to emailPreview, except value 4,
which is ignoring all fields but subject and detail.

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CRM entities created during the installation

Each product installs the following entities in CRM:


Containing pre-user & temporary settings 


Container for ProductSpecific settings


Containing metadata of CRM for products


Sepcific Key/value pairs for product settings


Entity storing debug information for actions where no file access is allowed.

Also, each product installs a new Security Role, mscrm-addons general security role.
This security role is covering the required access rights for the entities listed above.


Product specific entites for DocumentsCorePack (DCP):


Saves information about Sharepoint Storage of documents


Contains the DCP Templates required for creating the documents.

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CTI Client Version expiring when only support expires

This is a known issue with versions previous to 5.28.

Please upgrade to at least this version : to fix the problem.

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How to add NavBar entries manually

On some occasions, unmanaged customizations to forms might prevent the setup to correctly configure the navbar section of entities.

You would see an error similar to this one, telling about a transition of an unmanaged solution being impossible. 

Figure 1: Error message (unmanaged solution)

The first step to solve this issue is to identify the causing entity.

You need to find the errortext highlighted in purple in the XML tree.

Figure 2: XML tree with errortext

Follow the tree up till you find the formXML node.
The localized name will tell you which entity is failing.
You need to uncheck this entity from all locations in the configuration.
You can process all other entities as normal.

How to add the NavBar entry manually

Please note: You need to be an administrator to be able to complete the following steps. 

1) Open up any record of the entity you want to customize (Account for this example) and open the form designer. 

Figure 3: Open entity and the form designer


2) Enable the NavBar editing...

Figure 4: Click on the [Navigation]-button


3) ...and insert a new item

Figure 5: Insert new item


4) On the following dialog enter a name (i.e. EmailPreview or ActivityPreview) and select the ptm_Icon16x16 webresource for the icon

Figure 6: Select ptm webresource


5) Select the ptm_webApplicationPreloaderActivityPreview to add the ActivityPreview functionality or select the  ptm_webApplicationPreloaderEmailPreview to add the EmailPreview.

If you want to enable both, you need to repeat the same steps for each item. 

Figure 7: Add the ptm_webpplicationPreloaderEmailPreview

6) Close all forms, and do not forget to save & publish the changes! (Or the changes will not show).

Figure 8: Save and publish changes

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Disable ribbon buttons for non-licensed users

Starting with version 5.23 / TI and version 5.19 / DCP in combination with LicenseManager 5.2, the ribbon buttons will be disabled on perUser licensing, if the user is having the acccess flag for the product set to no.

Licensemanager 5.2 creates a new setting, IsPerUserLicense with value true|false when importing a licensekey.

Based on this setting being true and the Users access flag (perUserLicensing[Product]), the button will be disabled.

The functionality is requiring general solution v46.0. 

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WindowsXP and WIF (WindowsIdentityFoundation)

!! Please note: This only applies to CTI Versions 5.30 and below !! 
!! Since Microsoft has changed the EULA of their WIF SDK we are now allowed to include all required files into our setups !!

All of our client products (Telephone Integration and DocumentsCorePack Client) need the WindowsIdentityFoundation Framework to be able to connect to CRM 2011.

Unfortunately the WIF Framework is not officially supported on WindowsXP by Microsoft, but there are 2 ways to make this work on a WindowsXP OS. 


Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 & prerequisites installed on the Windows XP Client.

You need one machine that is supported for having the WIF Framework. (Vista or higher)  

Locate the Microsoft.IdentityModel.dll.

Option 1:

Register the Microsoft.IdentityModel.dll in the GAC (GlobalAssemblyCache) of the Client you want to install it on.

This makes the DLL available to any application on the specific Client.

A detailed How-To can be found here :

Option 2:

Copy the DLL to the desired target installation folder BEFORE installing the product.

You will manually have to create the folder at first.

This will enable the WIF only for the product targeted, narrowing down the possibilities of side effects.

Please note: Both ways are not supported by Microsoft.

It is not guaranteed, that this method will still work with further updates to the WIF Framework.

If Microsoft chooses to udpate the WIF Framework you might also have to replace the DLL with a newer version.

MSCRM-Addons can also not guarantee for the functionality or any possible side effects.

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How to install DocumensCorePack Client unattended

To install DocumentsCorePack Client for MS CRM 2011/2013/2015/2016/D365 unattended, you need to supply a registry file with the required registry settings.

Unattended install is available for DocumentsCorePack Client Version 5.18 and Version 6.5 or above.

Below, you can download templates to perform the unattended install.

The below files are set up for x86 and x64 systems.

The templates contain inline documentation regarding the possible settings that can be set for the Client application.

The below described keys and place holder have to be replaced to have a valid registry file for the installation process.

Please note: The current examples are set up for http. If you are using https you also have to adjust the protocol in these files!


uai_ RegCRM2013_x86_x64.reg (8.90 kb)

uai_ RegCRM2011_x86_x64.reg (8.88 kb)

This is a blank registry file containing all required keys. You need to replace the following tags with your actual CRM data:

YOURCRMSERVER:PORT: The URL of the CRM server without any protocol information, e.g crm:5555

UNIQUEORGANISATIONNAME: The unique name of the organization you want to connect to

These both keys also have to be applied to the


PROTOCOL: Either http or https.

ORGANISATIONFRIENDLYNAME: The display name of the organization. 

OrganisationFriendlyName contains the Organization name.

While not vital, it should be changed to reflect the correct Organizsation name.

The path variable in the templates has to be adjusted as well depending on the achritecture of the client

(Program Files (x86) or Program Files

If your discoveryservice is using Https (Usually its the same protocol as your CRM), the entry


needs to be set to true.

You can then launch the setup with the prepared registry file similar to the batch file launch.bat (116.00 bytes)

"[DocumentsCorePackInstallFolderAndFile]" /V"/qb /lvx* C:\instlog.txt UAIREGFILE=[RegFileLocation]\[RegistryFileName].reg"

The tags DocumentsCorePackInstallFolderAndFile needs to point to the correct installation source folder and filename.

RegFileLocation needs to point to the folder of the prepared registryfile.

If you have changed the registry filename previously, you need to adapt this change in the command as well.

RegistryFileName: the filename has to be adjusted depending on the file you are going to use for the install process.


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Connection dialog retrieves organizations, but refuses to connect

Check the log textbox if the following statement is present (might be accomodated by a 401 exception).

The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme Anonymous. The authentication header received from the server was NTLM, Negotiate

Make sure CRM website is supporting anonymous authentication on ROOT level.


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Service Unavailable after error in upgrade process

Receiving a service unavailable response on a website usually indicates, that the application pool of the site is not running.

To solve this issue, open your InternetInformation Management and verify all required app pools are started.

The page content would look like this:

Service Unavailable

HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.


Embedded in CRM the error would look like

Figure 1: Service Unavailable error message

The issue can be caused by problems during the upgrade, because upgrading stops the app pool in order to avoid issues with files in use.

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