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Pen control for DocumentsCorePack

With the so called visual controls for phones and tablets, Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 introduces some new features. Should you like to get more general information about them, please click here.

We have added one of the features to the picture-field-functionality of DocumentsCorePack:

The feature allows you to sign documents directly from your smartphone or tablet.

Figure 1: Signature with Pen Control

Please note: Pen Control does not substitute the functionality of AssureSign or DocuSign.
The feature is only good for signatures in certain fields.

These fields can be inserted to Microsoft Dynamics CRM with the Insert as picture-field-function. Please click here for further information on how to insert picture-fields.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

Recap: eXtremeCRM Warsaw 2016

There are no strangers here, only friends you haven't met yet.

- William Butler Yeats

Figure 1: eXtremeCRM Warsaw

Thank you for joining us at this year’s eXtremeCRM in Warsaw!

It was a pleasure for us to be part of such a great experience and to meet new business partners!

Ancient city meets high tech
We arrived early on Saturday in the marvelous city of Warsaw. That allowed us to do some sightseeing. The ancient city center provides beautiful sceneries,
the people are all totally friendly and the weather during our stay was great!

Figure 2: Warsaw City

Figure 3: Sightseeing Tour

But of course, we hadn't gone so far to do some sightseeing. We had come here to go eXtreme! 

Bootcamp & ISV session 
Being a Silver Sponsor, we had the opportunity to offer a one day bootcamp for our partners and an ISV session.
Both focused on our products and on how to turn value into growth in Microsoft Dynamics CRM...

Figure 4: Bootcamp 

... and we were surprised by the number of high potential partners that had found their way to our sessions! 

Figure 5: ISV-session

We intended to offer interesting content, and in the end obtained some great feedback. 
So many happy faces cannot lie, can they?

Figure 6: Participants of this year's bootcamp

Thank you for participating at our bootcamp & ISV-session!

Booth #5 was THE place to be! 
Our booth was well visited and we had some nice and interesting chats about our products.

Figure 7: Booth #5 - the place to be at eXtremeCRM!

Personalized - Proactive - Predictive 
The highlight of eXtremeCRM in Warsaw was the keynote by Jujhar Singh. It is always amazing to follow his extraordinary speaker, but this time, he presented us with the future of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

He made very clear, that the future of Dynamics CRM lies in the automation of processes and workflows and the seamless integration of other services.

Figure 8: Keynote by Jujhar Singh

End Consumer & Partner Facing, Peer to Peer and Omni-channel support were only a few of the topics that were brought up. Singh gives the future connection between software, customers and partners a totally new dimension with three little keywords:
personalized, proactive and predictive. 

Because automation of processes and workflows is exactly what we want to effect with our addons, we cannot wait to live the predicted future of MS Dynamics CRM.    

All in all, eXtremeCRM 2016 was a great event full of new opportunities. We want to thank the organizers of that outstanding event for their commitment!
And by the way... the Polish cuisine & culture are outstanding! ;)

Figure 9: Outside eXtremeCRM Warsaw

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

Error Message: Solution AutoMergeGlobalButtonTmp failed to import

The error message Solution AutoMergeGlobalButtonTmp Failed To Import

indicates, that the user who is running the current setup process has no rights to access the solution files.

Should you get this error message, you can assign Modify permissions for Everyone for the following folder as a workaround:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\CustomizationImport

Please ensure that this done on the server where the Async Service is running (normal CRM backendserver).

Figure 1: Solution AutoMerge GlobalButtonTmp Failed To Import

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to


TelephoneIntegration supports UnifiedServiceDesk (USD)

Instead of opening contact/account/lead CRM records in InternetExplorer, the CRM records are opened in the USD client.


The USD client must be installed on the local machine.

The USD package must be deployed in the CRM organization.

A TelephoneIntegration Server-side setting key “UseUSD” must be set with key value “true”.

Also, the CRM / settings / USD needs to be set up properly:

a. ) CRM administrator must add the USD settings as described in the attached PDF document ( the hard way )


b.) CRM admin uses the CRM Configuration Migration Tool to import the file. (the easy way )

Restart of USD client and TI client.

TI addon integration with Unified Service Desk.pdf (581.49 kb) (74.45 kb)

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How to add additional entities to AssureSign?

As per default, AssureSign only supports the following entities:

- Account
- Lead
- Contact
- Order
- Contract and
- Opportunity

If you want to use DocumentsCorePack and AssureSign with other entities,
you must add this entity to AssureSign Document. This article provides
a step-by-step description on how to do so.  

Open the Solutions in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.  

Figure 1: CRM > Solutions

Expand the AssureSign document entity. 

Figure 2: AssureSign document entity

Navigate to gields and click on the [New]-button to add a new field.
The easiest configuration is to configure the Lookup Field so the name
is entered with the

new_ namespace prefix followed by id, for example: new_[entityname]id.

If you wanted to a built in or custom CRM entities, you would use

the actual name, and not what is displayed in the Primary Entity list.

Step-by-step instruction on how to build in a relationship to Quote:

Step 1: Open the fields as explained before and fill in the below marked
fields according to your needs.

Figure 3: Fill in fields to build a relationship

Display name:
Enter the name of your Entity. For our example we use Quote.
Change it to lower space and don’t forget to add id (here: _quoteid)
Data Type:     
Select Lookup 
Target Record Type:
Select your entity. In our example we use Quote.

Step 2: Press on the [Save and Close]-button. Now, navigate to Forms and double click on AssureSign Document to open the form editor.

Figure 4: Forms

Figure 5: Form editor

Select your new field from the left and add it to your form.

(In this case you see the new Quote-field)

Click on the [Save]-button and close the form-Editor, then publish your changes by pressing on
the [Publish All Customizations]-button.

Now you can use this entity in DocumentsCorePack to generate documents and let them be signed with AssureSign.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

Recap: US Industry Summit 2016

There are no strangers here; only friends you haven’t met yet. 

- William Butler Yeats

Figure 1: US Industry Summit 2016

Thank you for joining us at this year’s US Industry Summit!

It was a pleasure for us to be part of such a great experience
and to meet new business partners!

We arrived early at Terranea Resort, the marvelous location
where US Industry Summit 2016 took place and were surprised
by the incredibly beautiful scenery.

But of course, we did not join US Industry Summit to enjoy the
picturesque landscape, but to meet (future) partners and to
present our valuable mscrm-addons.

Our booth – Nr. 17 – was perfectly placed… 

Figure 2: Both # 17

... at least for the participants who happened to be hungry ;)

Figure 3: Great buffet!

Believe it or not – in the course of the expo, this fact turned
out to be a huge advantage:
All the participants who wanted to eat something had to pass by our booth!

So we were able to provide information about our mscrm-addons
to everyone - making people happy with small delicacies at the same time.

Figure 4: Sharing thoughts on our addons

But US Industry Summit 2016 did not only provide us with

- delicious food,
- stunning views,
- a fantastic balance of sessions and expo and
- a cozy, yet practical booth, no:

We also had the opportunity to listen to Jujhar Singh,
CRM General Manager of Microsoft, and many other, yet
very interesting spokespersons.

All in all, we can only say:

Thank you! 

Being part of this event was a great and really very special experience!

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

DocumentsCorePack Condition Syntax (Dynamics 365)

Certain properties of DocumentsCorePack templates consist of conditions based on Dynamics 365 fields. This article covers the basic syntax and the advanced options that can be used.
Several DocumentsCorePack properties support the same syntax. A list of these properties can be found at the end of this article. 

  1. The basic syntax:

    Fields from Dynamics 365 are enclosed by << and >> when you insert them from the tree view.

    Figure 1: Fields

    Fixed text has to be typed manually into the text field and has to be enclosed with single quotes ( ' ).

    Figure 2: Fixed text
    To combine several Dynamics 365 fields and fixed text you have to use the plus sign (+). (see figure 3)

    Figure 3: Plus sign
  2. Supported datatypes and available operators




True, false, 0, 1


Format z.B.: 1.1


€ 1.1 or $1.1 (when decimal, the currency symbols €, $ are deleted)


#2015-12-13# or #2015-12-13T12:00:59+01:30#






Used with the following datatypes



for each


does not equal

for each


greater than

for each


less than

for each


greater than or equal

for each


less than or equal

for each



Decimal, Numbers, Currency, Text



Decimal, Numbers, Currency



Decimal, Numbers, Currency



Decimal, Numbers, Currency



Decimal, Numbers, Currency


LIKE comparison, wildcard *,%



Boolean Operators: AND, OR, NOT



  1. Special values and functions


Null / NULL







ISNULL(field, substitute value)


LEN(text) returns the string-length


IIF(condition, valuetrue, valuefalse)


TRIM(text) deletes the whitespace at the beginning/end


SUBSTRING(text, start, len)


CONVERT(value, destType) destType must be a .Net datatype, e.g.: System.Int32


This syntax applies to the following properties and special fields:

Template Properties 

  • Remove Watermark

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

Comparison: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 to DocumentsCorePack by

With Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Microsoft has presented a new method of document generation.
The overview below allows a comparison of the new native document generation with our solution DocumentsCorePack.

Document Generation & Workflow Integration:

Figure 1: Comparison MS Dynamics CRM I

Template Design:

Figure 2: Comparison MS Dynamics CRM II

Request a live demo of DocumentsCorePack here or get a free 14-day trial version today! 

Find the whole document here:

Comparison_DocumentsCorePack_vs_CRM2016_DocumentGeneration.pdf (334.84 kb) 

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

How to create scheduled reports

With the option to schedule document operations inside Microsoft Dynamics CRM – DocumentsCorePack opens up its capabilities for scheduled reports.

Whether you want to 

- get a simple overview of all opportunities closed last month,
- you wish to send a reminder to a group of selected customers automatically or
- you would simply like to find a printed copy of all invoices every morning in your printer –

with scheduled reports this is not only possible, it is also easy.

This article describes which preconditions are needed in order to run the tool. It is a step-by-step instruction of how to use and benefit from the scheduler.

What components are needed & how does it work?

1) DocumentsCorePack workflow integration 
(allows to automate document generation and processing inside MS CRM workflows)

2) Scheduler 
(this entity allows to configure schedules for workflows that are to be executed)

The Scheduler allows you to define queries for CRM records where a certain workflow is executed by following a defined schedule.


EXAMPLE: Step-by-Step instruction on how to define a scheduled report

How to configure scheduled reports?

Step 1: Create a Workflow that performs the operation you wish to schedule.
In case you have not created a workflow in Microsoft Dynamics CRM yet, get some advice how to do this

In our example, we decided to create a workflow that would remind all customers with outstanding bills automatically via eMail.

Therefore, we have opened a new process. To do so, we navigated to Settings > Processes and clicked on the [New]-button:

Figure 1: Create new process

The following window opens. 
Select a unique name for your process and enter it in the Process name-field. To create an Invoice workflow, enter the corresponding category and entity. 
As we decided to create an Invoice Reminder, we named it correspondingly. Click on the [OK]-button in order to proceed. 

Figure 2: Create new process

The following window appears:

Figure 3: Add new steps to workflow

1) Create Document

Click on AddStep > AutoMergeWF > CreateDocument in order to create a new document.
A new step appears in your general window. Click on the [Set Properties]-button and the following window appears.

Select your preferred template for your future invoice here. Click on the [Save and Close]-button in order to proceed.   

Figure 4: Add Steps to your workflow
Figure 5: Set Step properties

2) Create Record

Click on AddStep > CreateRecord in order to create a new record.

You will be asked which record you would like to create. (here: eMail)

Figure 6: Create record

Again, click on the [Set Properties]-button. In the next window, you can modify your email content and create your email. Do not 
forget to hit the [Save and Close]-button as soon as you have finished.  

Figure 7: Create email content

3) Attach to Email:

Back at the general window, again click on AddStep > AutoMergeWF > AttachToEmail.
A new step will be added. Please click on the [Set Properties]-button again. The 
following window appears. 

The Form Assistant at the right side enables you to set the dynamic values of the created record.  
(here: Create Email, the record that we have created in the last step)

Please note: It is necessary to click first in the field at the left side (marked by an arrow and highlighted) and to set your properties afterwards, because the system needs to know which field to fill.
Furthermore, it is crucial to press the [Save and Close]-button (upper left corner) as soon as you have finished.   

Figure 8: Attach to email using the form editor

Click into the next field and look for the document you want to attach. (here: the document we 
have created in Step 1)  

Figure 9: Set custom step input properties

4) SendEmail

In the next step, we define which Email we want to send. Do not forget to save and close the window!

Figure 10: Define which email you want to send 

In our example, the finished workflow looks as follows: 

Figure 11: Finished workflow

Get a more detailed view at the added steps (with an explanation):

Figure 12: Finished workflow in detail

Step 2: Create a new MSCRM-ADDONS.COM SCHEDULER record.
The entity comes with the installation of DocumentsCorePack.
You can add the entity to the CRM-menu or use the Advanced Find to create a new scheduler configuration.

How to configure the scheduler properly:

Figure 12: How to configure the scheduler properly

Step 3: Create a fetch

To create a fetch, please open the Advanced Find.

Simply insert your preferences there and click on the [Download Fetch XML]-button. (here: a 7 days due date.) 

Figure 13: Insert preferences for XML fetch

The following window appears:

Figure 14: Downloaded FetchXML - example

Once created, simply copy the text of the fetch into the corresponding field of the scheduler. Save and proceed.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

How to create a DocumentsCorePack template for DocuSign

To create a DocumentsCorePack template for DocuSign, open the–tab in Microsoft Word and follow the instructions below: 

Step 1:
Open the Insert MailMerge Fields window and then click on the [Insert Field]-button drop down menu.

Figure 1: Open the [Insert field]-button menu

Step 2:
Select Insert DocuSign Item > Signature:

Figure 2: Insert Signature 

Please note: Besides Signature, you could also select Initial, Date Signed, Full Name, Email, Company, Title and Checkbox

At the position of your cursor as field this will be inserted:

Figure 3: Insert field function in the template

Step 3:
Click on the field and then select the [Field properties]-button in order to open the DocuSign Properties window. In this window, you can set the properties for your signature.

Step 4:
Set your DocuSign Properties correspondingly:

Figure 4: Set signature properties

When you are finished, click on the [OK]-button in order to proceed.

Step 5:
Enjoy your first DocumentsCorePack Template for DocuSign for 1 signer! Smile 

To find out how to create a DocuSign Document with multiple signees, please follow the link below:

Find out how to merge a document and send it to DocuSign here.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to