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How to use TelephoneIntegrations' Smart Find feature

This article outlines how to use the Smart Find feature of TelephoneIntegration. This feature facilitates the find of all extensions related to an account when receiving an incoming call. It can be used occasionally or activated for permanent use. 

Purpose of the Smart Find feature
Once the TelephoneIntegration Smart Find feature is activated, it permanently resolves numbers that are related to an incoming call. 

Figure 1: Without Smart Find -Incoming call (main number: 680880) with extension (21) NOT resolved

Figure 2: With Smart Find - Incoming call (main number: 680880) with extension (21) resolved

For example:

You receive a call from the number 0316 68088021.
0316 680880 = main number 
21 = extension 

The main number is saved in your CRM, but the extension is not. This is why TelephoneIntegration usually resolves the number 0316 68088021 as an unknown number. 

When activating the Smart Find feature (no matter if occassionally or permanently), TelephoneIntegration will provide you with the extension that is saved in CRM for this particular number. 

How do I activate the Smart Find feature?
The SmartFind can be activated occasionally or permanently.  

In order to activate it on occasion, simply click on Search Potential in the Context menu. 

Figure 3: Ocasionally activated Smart Find

In order to activate it permanently, simply navigate to the Advanced-tab in the TelephoneIntegration Settings and check the activate search for potential matches-checkbox in the Search for potential matches-section. Next, click on the [Save]-button. 

Figure 4: Activate Smart Find permanently

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How to add a filter to a relationship in DocumentsCorePack Template Designer

This step-by-step-tutorial outlines how to add a filter to a relationship in DocumentsCorePack Template Designer. Usually, the simple creation of a relationship is enough, but sometimes, it can happen that you need to add a certain filter to a relationship.

For example, imagine you would like to create an overview that shows which products you have in stock.
So, you could create one template listing all products where the amount is greater than 0 and one template where the amount is exactly 0.
In order to refine your result, you could additionally create a template that lists all products with an amount greater than 500.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to create add a filter to a relationship, so that the result will only return products with an amount greater than 500. 

Step 1: ​Create a new template
If you haven't created a template yet, please have a look at this blog article

Step 2: Create a relationship
If you haven't added an relationship yet, please have a brief look at this post

Step 3: Add a filter to a relationship
Once the relationship is created , navigate to filters and click on the [Add]-button .
Next, select which type of filter you would like to add (AND / OR) (here we use AND) .
Then, click on the lower [Add]-button . This behavior opens a new window.
In the Condition-window , select a matching attribute (here: Amount), an operator (here: greater than) and a value (here: 500) and click on the [OK]-button.​

Figure 1: Add a filter to a relationship

That's all you have to do. Simply return to the Template Designer with a click on the [OK]-button in the Configure Fields and Datasource-window in order to proceed. 

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How do I create a document that includes all child records of a certain entity?

This article outlines how to set up a workflow that will generate a document which includes all child records that are related to a certain entity. Once the workflow is established, it will concatenate all these generated documents and send it to the account.

This feature is very useful if you, for example, would like to create a document that includes

- all quotes of a certain customer
- all contacts that are related to an account
- all invoices of a certain entity

In the now following step-by-step tutorial, we will create a document, that includes all contacts related to a certain account and concatenate it in one document.  

Step 1: Create a new workflow for a random entity
If you have not created a workflow yet, please have a look at this blog article. In our example, we want to create a workflow for the entity account. Once the workflow is created, please add the DCPWorkflowSandobox:DCPCreateMultiPartXmlbassedonFetchxml step. 

Figure 1: Workflow Activities

Step 2: Set the properties for the DCPWorkflowSandobox:DCPCreateMultiPartXmlbassedonFetchxml step
With a click on the [Set Properties]-button you add your individual properties to the parameters:

The first three properties allow you define the settings for the conversion of the documents to .pdf and for the general SharePoint information. The other properties are explained below. 

  • Template 1: Enables you to define the template which should be used
  • Entity Record URL Base: Contain the Record URL of the Base Record (here: account)
  • FetchXML:                                      Contains the FetchXML that resolves the relationship to the child.
    In this example, it retrieves all child contacts of the account.

Step 3: Create a FetchXML
We recommend you to use a
FetchXML builder if you want to create a new FetchXML, because it facilitates the creation of a new FetchXML. 

The FetchXML that is created for this workflow

- defines which documents should be filtered and concenated
- resolves the 1:N relationship 
- enables you to add an unlimited amount of filters

Here is the FetchXML that was created for this example:

<fetch count="50" >

<entity name="contact" >

    <attribute name="fullname" />

    <link-entity name="account" from="accountid" to="parentcustomerid" link-type="inner" >

      <filter name="account" from="accountid" to="parentcustomerid" >

        <condition attribute="accountid" operator="eq" value="qid" />





Please note: It is of utmost importance that the qid (displayed above in red) is inserted, because the workflow activity will replace the qid with the accountid from the executed workflow. If qid is not inserted, the workflow cannot filter the results. 

  • FetchXMLResultField: Is the primary key field from the child record. In this case it is the contactid
  • FetchXMLResultEntity: Is the schema name of the result. In this example it is contact

Figure 2: Set Custom Step Input Properties

Step 4: Create an AutoMergeWorkingItem
As next step you need to create the AutoMergeWorkingItem. Furthermore, the result XML from the CreateMultipartXMLbasedonFetchXML has to be added to the field
MultiDocumentXML in the Advanced Section.

Figure 3: Set the MultiDocumentXML

The top of the AutoMergeWorking Item will look like below. 

Figure 4: AutoMergeWorkingItems


Step 5: Start your workflow

The result of your workflow will be visible in the CreatedDocument-field in the AutoMergeWorkingItems-window (please see figure 4).​

Please note: You could as well combine this workflow with one that creates an eMail, attaches the here created document to an eMail and sends the so created eMail to a certain group of people. Please read more about how to create such a workflow here

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How do I create relationships using DocumentsCorePack Template Designer? (Advanced)

This article outlines how to create - more or less complex - relationships in the DocumentsCorePack (DCP) Template Designer.

The following 3 Step by step-tutorials will teach you how to create and manage - more or less complex - relationships with the DCP Template Designer Additional-tab. Basically, relations can be solved for 1:N (1:many) and N:N (many:many) relationships. All, custom entities, as well as system entities, are supported. 

Tutorial 1: How to add a predefined relationship 
Tutorial 2: How to add a relationship from scratch 
Tutorial 3: How to create a relation to a separate entity (no relation)

Tutorial 1: How to add a predefined relationship
Predefined relationships are really helpful when you create a common template, like for example a quote template. Using a predefined relationship, you do not have to create it manually every time you want to create a new e.g. Quote template. 

Step 1: Create a new template
For further information on how to create a template, please read this blog article

Step 2: Navigate to the Additional-tab in the Template Designer
Next, open the Additional-tab. It has been designed to manage additional relationships.

Figure 1: DCP Template Designer – Additional tab

Step 2: Add a relationship/entity
A click on the [Add Relationship/Entity]-button will open the relationship designer (see tutorial 2), while a click on the Dropdown Arrow expands a menu with predefined relationships.

Figure 2: The [Add Relationship/Entity]-button

Figure 3: Add Relationship/Entity dropdown menu – predefined relationships

The marked area includes all predefined relationships. DocumentsCorePack already has a variety of different predefined relationships for standard CRM entities, for example: All Contacts of an Account, Quote Products of a Quote, etc. They facilitate the creation of templates. Simply click on the predefined relationship in order to add it. The related fields will then be visible in the TemplateDesigner TreeView.

Tutorial 2: How to add a relationship from scratch
When you deal with really complex relationships, it can be helpful to create a relationship from scratch. 

Step 1: Create a template and insert some fields
For further information on how to insert fields, please have a look at this blog article. As you see below, we have inserted the following fields: <<accountid>> and <<name>>

Figure 4: Insert fields 

Step 2: Add a new relationship
Next, go to the additional tab and open the [Add Relationship/Entity]-drop down menu. There, select Add New Relationship…

Figure 5: Add New Relationship

In the so opened Configure Fields and Datasource-dialog, select a relationship you would like to insert ❶ and add some attributes by checking the boxes next to the attributes We decided to go with the Relationship Account -> Activity [regardingobjectid] and added the following attributes: Activity, Actual End, Actual Start, Due Date.

Figure 6: Add a new relationship

As you can see, the resolved entities are now also visible in the Additional-tab of the Template Designer and you could insert any of the fields into the document. But usually, there are more complex relationships needed. That is why you may expand the complexity of the relationship by adding more levels. 

Figure 7: Resolved fields

Step 3: Add further entities 

If you would like to add further relationships, please simply click on the [Edit]-button in the Additional-tab. 

Figure 8: Click on the [Edit]-button

This actions opens the Configure Fields and Datasource-dialog again, providing you with the former established relationship. Please click on the [Add]-button and add another relationship here. We decided to add Activity [activityid] -> Attachment [objected] and the entities Attachment Number, Entity, File Name, Subject.

Figure 9: Add another relationship

As you can see, the resolved entities are now also visible in the Additional-tab of the Template Designer and you could insert any of the fields into the document.

Figure 10: Additionally resolved fields 

Please note: You may repeat these steps as often as you would like to in order to enhance the complexity of your relationships.

Tutorial 3: How to create a relation to a separate entity (no relation)
Basically, the creation of a relation to a separate entity follows the same rules as the creation of an entity from scratch (with one exception). Therefore, in order to create a relation to a separate entity, follow the steps in Tutorial 2 carefully, but make sure that you change the following parameter when you select a new relationship:

Instead of Relationships, check Separate Entities in the Select existing Relation-section. The main difference is, that you will now be provided with separate entities instead of relationships. 

Figure 11: Insert separate entities

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Default Sort Order for ActivityTools

When set up by default configuration, ActivityTools sorts activities in a specific order. This article outlines how this default order works. 

Minimum requirement: ActivityTools for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015

The default sort order follows the below rules:

First, it differentiates between two main categories: Activities and Emails.
Then, it searches the data fields and checks if a field has a value.
If a field has a value, this value serves as the base for the sort sequence. 

Emails are sorted according to the following values:

Activities are sorted according to the following values:

In the General Settings of ActivityTools, you can define 1 field that will be used for sorting. 
Once set, the results will always be sorted after this particular field. 
For further information, please have a look at our ActivityTools documentation (chapter “5.2 The General Settings-Tab”).

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How to import & export templates using the DocumentsCorePack Online Service Configuration

Our DocumentsCorePack (DCP) Online Service Configuration allows users to configure DCP easily online. For further information on how to configure DCP Online, please have a look at our DCP Online Configuration video. 

The DCP Online Config offers lots of useful functionalities, such as for example insert/export templates or installs non-default fonts. This step-by-step tutorial outlines how to use them properly.

1. Login to, go to My Account and then My Cloud Service. 

2. Select the service that you want to export/import your templates from ❶ and click on the [Export/Import]-button 

3. This opens the Template Management window, which allows you to import/export templates and to install non-default fonts.

Please click on the [Export]-button ❶ in order to export all DCP templates as .*zip-files.

Click on the [Import]-button ❷ if you would like to import DCP templates. You may select multiple *.docx/ *.docm/ *.dot templates or *.zip files containing multiple templates. Furthermore, you will be asked to specify how to proceed with the templates you import, but that already exists in the system. You have the possibility to select between the following three options:

1) Overwrite
The template GUID stays the same. 

2) Import the new version
The 'old' version will be kept with the 'old' template GUID and the 'new' version of the template will be imported with a 'new' template GUID. 

3) Ignore
All existing templates will be ignored. Only new templates will be imported. 

Files can also be dragged and dropped from the Explorer to this dialog. Furthermore, if your templates are using fonts which are not installed by default, you may upload and install your fonts into your DCP instance with a click on the [Upload Font]-button 

Figure 2: Template management-window

IMPORTANT: Should the templates not be extracted correctly, make sure you do not export to a folder that has a lot of subfolders. The maximum length should not be over 260 characters. 


Correct folder structure for exporting:

Incorrect folder path for exporting:

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How to create a CRM view based button for CRM 2015/16

After embedding SmartBar (via the MainPage.html) into a CRM form or dashboard, a CRM view based button for CRM 2015/16 can be created. Such a button shows the number of records related to the selected view. A click on the button navigates you to this view. This step-by-step tutorial outlines how this is done quick and easy.

1) Please make sure that SmartBar has been embedded via the MainPaige.html into a CRM form or dashboard. 

2) Next, load its configuration. To do so, click on the [Settings]-button in the SmartBar. 

Figure 1: Open the SmartBar Configuration

3) In the config that pops up now, please click on the [Add]-button in order to add a custom button.  

4) In the following dialog select Entity | Sitemap, the main entity (e.g. Cases) and a view related to this entity. Leave the field Count View Records enabled in order to count the records and click on the [Create]-button:
Figure 3: Create a button

5) Please perform this step for all the buttons you would like to add. As soon as you have finished, change to the Styling-tab and select Metro
Figure 4: Switch to Metro Style 

6) Get your result(s). After the configuration has been saved, your SmartBar should look similar to the below example.  With a click on the corresponding button, you will be forwarded automatically to the defined view.
Figure 5: Get the results 

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Custom Result Fields in DropDown

This blog article outlines how to change the result and add additional fields to the drop down- menu in order to create user defined result fields.

Requirements: SmartBar 2013/2015/2016, an XML editor is recommended

Please note: There is no designer for the result fields. This is why the changes must be applied manually using an XML-file. For the creation of the XML-file, we recommend to use an XML editor.  

XML definition

The XML consist of the main node dropdown, which supports the following two attributes:

  • width: Is used to define the width of the dropdown. To create a fixed width, simply define a number (in pixel). Using * sets the dropdown to be the same width as every other result field combined. If you do not define this attribute, the value of the Global SmartBar Configuration will be used.

  • height: Is used to define the maximum height of the dropdown. If you do not set this attribute, the value of the Global SmartBar Configuration will be applied.

On the next level below, the fields node is inserted. It’s just a container without further options. Under this level, there is an f node per result field.
The following attributes are supported:

  • name: the logical name of the CRM field, which will be used as result field.
  • width: the available width of this field. If you do not define this attribute, a standard width will be applied. 

For every f a header-node can be subordinated. It serves as container in order to define the column heading.

For each CRM-language, an h tag can be added. Please define the language code using the id attribute. The content of this tag will display the according header.

The following example dropdown has an automatic width.
The result values of the fields are defined in the below manner: 
subject (Header: Subject), with the width of 150 pixel and the field createdon (Header: Erstellt am, or Created on) with the width of 100 pixel.

<dropdown width="*"> <fields>

<f name="subject" width="150"> <headers>

<h id="1033">Subject</h> </headers>


<f name="createdon" width="100"> <headers>

<h id="1031">Erstellt am</h> <h id="1033">Created on</h>

</headers> </f>

</fields> </dropdown>


There are a few possibilities to sort the results:

If a date field is defined at the first position, the entries will be sorted ascending.


<dropdown width="*"> <fields>

<f name="createdon" width="100"> <headers>

<h id="1031">Erstellt am</h> <h id="1033">Created on</h>

</headers> </f>

<f name="subject" width="150"> <headers>

<h id="1033">Subject</h> </headers>

</f> </fields>



Furthermore, you may define an order-field. Once defined, it will be used for the sorting.

Name is the logical name of the CRM-field. With desc and the value true, the entries can also be sorted descending.


<dropdown width="*"> <orders>

<o name="createdon" desc="true"></o> </orders>


<f name="subject" width="150"> <headers>

<h id="1033">Subject</h> </headers>


<f name="createdon" width="100"> <headers>

<h id="1031">Erstellt am</h> <h id="1033">Created on</h>

</headers> </f>

</fields> </dropdown>


How do I add an XML to a button?

Please open the SmartBar config, select a random button and click on the [Edit]-button. Next, paste the previously defined XML into the Dropdown XML–field, then click on the [Update]-button and save the config.

Figure 1: Add an XML-file to a button 


Get your result

Next, please reload the SmartBar. The result should be pretty close to the below example.

Figure 2: The result

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AttachmentExtractor SharePoint attributes

SharePoint attributes deliver additional information on the file origin based on CRM metadata. This article outlines the purpose of the different attributes.

Figure 1: SharePoint attributes 


 Backlink to Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM)
This attribute backlinks to the original item in CRM from which the attachment (email or note) has been extracted previously. 

❷ Entity GUID (note/email)
means the unique type GUID of the entity's origin.

 Entity type (note/email)
means the unique type name of the entity's origin. 

The CSV lists mentioned in point 4 & 5 generally refer to metadata (GUID or text) in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM). 
Emails and annotations consist of both, GUID-, as well as text-fields. 

 CSV GUID-list containing metadata regarding the recipient/owner 
For EMAILS, the CSV GUID list contains the following attributes:







The list contains a list of EntityReferences to CRM records. This applies to the fields from, to, cc, bcc, regardingobjectid. *The field 'subject' is a text field.  

If a field contains multiple values, those values are separated by a pipe symbol:

Example for EMAIL (please note the empty entry for bcc):;|;;;myemailsubject;regardingaccountname



 CSV text-list containing metadata regarding the recipient/owner 
For NOTES, the CSV TEXT list contains the following attributes: 


The CSV Text list contains a list of references to annotations. This applies to the fields subject, filename, filesize, notetext. *The field 'objectid' is a GUID-field. 


Example for a NOTE (please note the empty entry for notetext and Object ID):




02_Quote; 02_Quote.pdf; 15447;;;

 Record type 
This attribute provides you with information regarding the CRM record type. 
Set on 'Yes', this attribute refers to an email or note body, set on 'No', it refers to an attachment.  

 Entity date
Contains the entity's creation date. 

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For ANNOTATIONS, the CSV GUID list contains the following attributes:

How to correct SharePoint paths exceeding the limitations (Advanced)

This article provides you with information on how to correct SharePoint paths exceeding the limitations. Please note, that this article is only considered to serve advanced Microsoft Dynamics users and only if you have received the SharePoint error 414 previously. The information provided here is connected to the SharePoint path limitation avoidance article, which can be found here

How do I correct potentially exceeding paths? 

Please check the existing library structure. This is required for EVERY record separately. 
Please note: The path logic should be modified before fixing existing problems, as CRM might recreate the folder applying the old path logic again. 

Scenario 1) The SharePoint library is empty (no files AND no folders)

        a) Delete the SharePoint library

        b) Next, please delete the document location in CRM

When the library is created anew, the updated path logic will apply.

Scenario 2) The SharePoint library contains items (files or folders)


Please note: Renaming any folders in SharePoint will break the AttachmentExtractor URL in CRM that points to those records. This makes the attachments inaccessible from within CRM! ​


a) Rename the SharePoint folder 
Please note: You can only rename folders!

       b) Update the document location in CRM

Please make sure, that the created path matches the nomenclature of the folder definition in your CRM. Otherwise, new folders will be generated, rendering the folder name change useless.

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